Jun. 6th, 2024 at 7:59 AM
There are things so old, buried so deep, that not even the shadows remember their names. These ancient magicks cannot be spoken by our modern tongues. They speak in our minds, our dreams, in visions, and in the deep dark of forgotten places. They talk of the Inner Dark and the Green, of blood and ichor, of battles between forces that we can barely comprehend and stakes that we can't even imagine.
Welcome to Ruin Holler: An Enclave for the things that do more than go bump in the night.
theholler is an original character supernatural game set in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia. Opening June 22nd or with the first ten characters accepted.
There are things so old, buried so deep, that not even the shadows remember their names. These ancient magicks cannot be spoken by our modern tongues. They speak in our minds, our dreams, in visions, and in the deep dark of forgotten places. They talk of the Inner Dark and the Green, of blood and ichor, of battles between forces that we can barely comprehend and stakes that we can't even imagine.
Welcome to Ruin Holler: An Enclave for the things that do more than go bump in the night.