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Jun. 24th, 2010


Hello, all! This is GW and I bring in an old favorite. This is Magius, White Robed wizard of Krynn, from the Dragonlance RPGs and novels, who will be quite shocked to find his powers limited and himself forced to socialize in this new world! He's mostly been dedicated to magic in his life and has very little experience with people, and life, and... not-magic!

I welcome plotting, and tagging, and all sorts of interaction. I can be found on aim at Gorram Wolf.

Jun. 19th, 2010


Fresh Player!

I'm Juliet and I just joined with Violet Baudelaire from Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (but I'm using the novels for her canon but may add some of the movie as needed). She is yanked post the events of the last novel (she is now 17) and well she's not exactly thrilled since in her mind she's sure Olaf is behind this (since I'm also sure she could have a mental illness given everything Olaf did in the novels to her and her family).

So lines, friends, people that would understand her? She's in Room 201 and will post for her ASAP (also drops a hint for her brother to be picked up? I'm using the PB's from the movie). There is also wiki links to both novels and the movie in her app post (which will act as her contact post once I screen comments).

Also one question since I like to avoid stomping on toes: I've got Gwen Cooper from Torchwood on hold so would a version of her that is post the 3 show crossover but pre COE work for those muns?

Jun. 17th, 2010


Hello all. I'm Trevor and am going to be bringing in Ianto Jones from Torchwood for game play here. The prospect of having a great plot and character development really roped me in for my muse with Ianto; so hopefully he'll have the chance to interact with many of you during the game! :]

He'll be coming in during Children of Earth for those who are familiar with the series, and actually be kidnapped and saved while on the verge of dying for awesome plot purposes and interacting. I'll bring him confused and obviously recovering from said near-death open for anyone to poke at or interact with.

If you need to contact me for plots or just at random, my AIM is tardisandtime, email is and I also have a contact post here: ( which'll be screened at all times.

Thanks again guys, and hopefully I'll see you around




Hello all. I'm Lee, in case you don't know me.

I am bringing in an Original character right now, and I will also be apping a fandom character in a little while.

Barret looks kind of like a lion, but he is a nice guy.

I'll set up an open post on his journal in case you want to ask me something or plot something.


Jun. 13th, 2010



Now that we're open - cause you guys can't possibly know who I am or who this is or any of that - I'm going to abuse this community. And tag the crap out of this post, possibly. Idk. We'll see how it is when I get down to the taggity box. Yes, this is mostly cause I loves me some capslock, hush.

I? Am Caz. And this? Is Rain Ocampo of Resident Evil fame. She's more or less bad ass, walks not so softly and carries a big (okay not so big) gun and has a bit of a complex about zombies. I really can't imagine why. She also shot her best friend with benefits in the head on account of he got zombified (this is a word, swears) and tried to eat her delectable flesh in the bad way. So layers upon layers of PTSD going on here. Don't mind if she's a bit tetchy. And by a bit I mean a lot. Technically? She's supposed to be dead. But whether the T-Virus antidote actually worked or or delightful scientist friends cured her, she's very not dead, though check out her bite scars some day if you get close enough and she doesn't kill you for getting too close. She's a little confrontational. Fun times.

Did I have anything else? No? Sweet, when's lunch?

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