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Aug. 24th, 2010


Apologies (or, a little TMI)

So right. Those of you nosing through the OOC probably saw that one of my ferrets was having trouble. We did end up taking him to the vets, and had to go to three different vets (you can see a timeline here; feel free to follow me if you have a twitter. XD ). We didn't get home 'til 1:30, and then we had to be up by 7:30 to go pick him up to bring him to his other vet. I'm kind of stressed out of my mind right now. Nim's at his vets right now, on fluids and with a catheter. they'll be doing an ultrasound to figure out what the mass is (so everyone pray it's a liver lobe they can chop off and not an adrenal tumor they can't operate on), and we'll go from there. the vet gave us a 50/50 shot at a survivable prognosis so we're preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. I'm starting to feel like I'm someone's badly written Mary Sue.

That said, my apologies for neglecting tags and doing them out of order (network tags were easier to do on a blackberry last night while killing time in waiting rooms). I have a backlog of them (like. 14 mails or something. i'm not sure how many are relevant), one app to tend to, and a post to get up. I apologize in advance if I'm excessively cranky to anyone. I am aiming for a nap later, and hopefully that'll help :)

Thanks, guys :)

Aug. 21st, 2010



Shush. I get very excited when I manage to make things look like I want them to.

That said, preview of our forthcoming cast-list :) is very much a work in progress, but I had to make sure i could make it line up right and everything.

So, here:

Aug. 18th, 2010


Pup Introductions

So, okay. i theoretically updated the cast list, and not all of these characters are coming in right away. Moooooost of them are coming in after the reaver plot, but thought I'd intro them now, anyway.

First is Jake Chambers from the Dark Tower saga. He has an Oy with him, because Oy brings the lulz. Oy is a billy bumbler, which is kind of like a cross between a dog, a badger, and a raccoon. he also talks - or at least parrots human speech. Jake's played off this journal and yes, slightly older than in canon.

Then, there is [info]astridhofferson, Astrid Hofferson from How to Train Your Dragon. She's being pulled in post movie (i think a couple years post movie).

Then ... there is [info]prime_merlinian Dave Stutler from the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Yes, in part for the lulz of voice posts, since he and Hiccup sound the same XD but also because he seems like he'd be fun to play. We shall see. It's my first time with him. He is drawn from post-movie.

Next, is [info]nenael Nenael, a fallen angel of sorts. He's an OC and I haven't decided if I want to keep his game canon or not, but will theoretically know before he's brought into play.

Last, but not least, is [info]i_sparkle Jasper Hale of the Twilight fandom.

I think that covers all of mine ... for now.

Aug. 8th, 2010


new character

Because she got pokey, and c'mon. Who doesn't want an insane 14 year old around?

This is Ariana Dumbledore, and her info's in her profile/bio place. She is a Harry Potter character and she will probably end up needing some adult supervision. :)

Jul. 24th, 2010


Character drop

Just an fyi/heads up, I've dropped Drusilla so she is now available for recast. I ... was not really feeling the muse, and thought she should be made available for someone else to pick up :)

Jun. 26th, 2010


It is weekend, I has times, which means ...

yeah, that's right. New characters, and both of them Swans. XD

I have Isabella Swan on [info]inadvertently who is coming from pre-canon because it's funnier that way, and this character here, Sue Wanda "Swan" Prescott from Robert McCammon's Swan Song. She actually probably won't be brought into play immediately because I want to reread the book to get a better grasp on her voice, but ... she will arrive eventually.

So right. as always, comes when called, likes some plots, blah blah etc etc.

Jun. 24th, 2010


Halo has new pups

Okay, a new pup for now, because Mandy demanded it today. She said I had to have more, and I'm trying not to cap out any fandoms and am trying to hush my HP pups, though LilyLu is being surprisingly loud. Shocker, right?

So, this is Dora, an OC based in the His Dark Materials verse (you know, the books the Golden Compass movie was based on). She is a master (or mistress) of poisons, and she was working to bring down the Magisterium (or, the church) from the inside before she was dragged here.

She's quiet, kind of sarcastic - but subtly so - and she is neither outwardly cruel nor kind, but always working toward her own agenda, whatever it may be at the time.

She does have a dæmon, which is an animal manifestation of her soul. Hers is a big black panther, and he is always with her because they are bound together and can't physically separate more than a few yards. So any scenes with Dora will have an Iridia in them XD

I do have a couple of pups milling around for future application (and I totally take requests if I'm familiar enough with the fandom), so ... there'll be more, soon.

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November 2010




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