October 16th, 2010

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Kicking and Screaming

Right. More swapping. XD

So, apparently Mandy was simply appalled at my handling of River, and she rushed right in to snatch her back up. I'll have you know, that was the grand plan to begin with. ::big wink:: No, for real, I'm just that good at luring and enabling.

River is now back on [info]lilalbatross and back in Mandy's hands. Lizzy [info]prittyprincess is joining her in a grand return.

With the return of River is the mysterious return of Kyle Trager on [info]not_an_alien, because I'm a tool. What? I am.

Things should be mostly updated. Or completely updated.

For the time being, Nate's still hanging on to Balthazar and Mal, but we'll keep you posted if that changes. You know. If you don't see it on twitter first. 'cause ... well. I think most everyone saw this coming, right? XD

[info]aang_avatar in [info]indarkness_ooc

Another New Char

Arik here with my second character. :)

Just finished getting accepted to have Aang from Avatar: the Last Airbender, join the crew. He's currently on the new island getting adjusted to this strange place.

Feel free to tag me on this character or on Trini for scenes. :)

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Beause Matt is a sadist and he's bigger than me ...

We're having our first-ever mod's-choice mini-plot, woo!

Since bears aren't 'til Thursday (omg omg omg I swear I'll get that written up before I start clicking paradise quest tiles again), I thought we should have a little something to do.

Also, I want to see how long I can make Lily glare hatefully at me before she gives up and moves into someone else's head >:D

So, Matt has decided to have his minions place items in people's rooms over the course of the weekend (today or tomorrow; take your pick)

Jaime is getting Mal's unloaded gun
Lily is getting the Grimhold
Ichabod is getting one of Katrina's necklaces, splashed with blood
Luke is getting Vader's helmet
Lizzy is getting something of Saul's (your call)
Remus is getting Sirius' wand
Aang is getting Katara's necklace

To the players whose characters didn't find something ... I didn't know any of your kids well enough to make any trauma-calls, so you are welcome to comment with an item and I'll add it to the list.

Also, we may or may not be hasing a Dug soon. After I write up the bear plot. (Also, one of you lottery people needs to do a network post with the clues. You can fight over it but it can't be me 'cause I draw the line at commenting to myself. That, and Chase doesn't care. XD).

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Ice Bears

Hello, and welcome to our lottery-plot writeup!

As promised, I am doing this before clicking tiles.

Since we are very anti-bear death (Sam petitioned very hard for this and overrode Matt's "shoot 'em up" plan), this is going to be a hide-and-seek sort of plot.

You can read about the bears here, and Isadora has the answers people need; she's networking with Didymus but will do a post later to educate the masses so the IC bit's covered.

What's going to happen is this:

The armor is going to be scattered across the old island, and some will be in the buildings. Jaime's power is going to be half-crippled for this so it won't be a matter of her being able to find everything, but she will be able to point the search parties in the general direction of the armor pieces before her brain breaks. None of it will be across the white line 'cause that's just cruel.

The armor is heavy, because it's made of "sky-iron" and is used by very, very large bears. Like, Hulk could probably haul a bit of it around by himself, but for most everyone else, it's going to be bare-minimum 2 person job to haul the larger pieces. One Jayne-sized man can handle a standard helmet (and might struggle with a more elaborate one), and someone slightly smaller could probably drag one with pauses.

We're going to have fifteen pieces scattered around on Monday, and that will give a clue as to what's going on when the first piece is found. I assume it will be stumbled on by accident, so if someone wants to call first-find, lemme know; that way we won't have all of us finding the armor first. XD

To the ice bears, their armor is like their dæmon or their soul. They are nothing without it, and they will kill whatever stands between them and it. They forge it themselves (they have opposable thumbs) and it's very personal to them. They will not be pleased upon learning that their armor was stolen.

In regard to powers to neutralize the bears ...

They are sentient and can be reasoned with.

Stunning spells, binding spells, and confunding spells will work, but not for very long.

They won't be felled by human physical attacks because ... uh. They're giant polar bears.

The Force can be used to slow them down/trip them up.

There's still no ammunition for the firearms, so shooting them is right out.

If people get clever and try to rig some traps, those may work on a mod-discretion basis.

I'm not angling for any casualties on this one, but they are certainly capable of killing characters, very easily. So it's an option if you want to take it >:D Matt's hoping they knock down the hotel, and I hope they'll be incited to damage it, but is not something I'm going to force. Characters will be moved either way; this was just the convenient IC reasoning.

If you have questions or your character's power wasn't covered on the list as will/won't work, go ahead and hit me up for clarification. Or if anything else needs clarification. I'm here for you, yo.

November 2010



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