September 25th, 2010

[info]van_tassel in [info]indarkness_ooc

So, remember when I said ...

that I am my muses' bitch? Yeah.

I has a Katrina. ::points:: from Sleepy Hollow. she was all "whine whine whine I want to come be kidnapped too" and i told her i had enough pups and she pouted and ... i'm pretty sure she chased off Chase to make a spot for herself? I don't know. But anyway, here she is. ta-da!

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

The Move List

Oh, so bet you thought I forgot, didn't you? ::brow waggle::

First, our guaranteed moves:

Chase Collins
Sir Didymus/Ambrosius
Matt Prept
Faye Valentine

And then our random rolls, whoa:

Lily Evans
Severus Snape
Ichabod Crane
Bruce Banner
Hugo Weasley
Spike Spiegel

If you only have one (or two) characters and he/both are moved and you've changed your mind and rather he/one of them not be moved, you are welcome to change one of them. Just let me know ASAP. You have ... really, until the move (which is tentatively set for 10/13; to ensure a proper cast list, we might shift checks to mid-week the week prior rather than Friday, or end it early).

For the move, the island description writeup will remain in [info]i_find until everyone is moved, then it will be placed in the mod journal. There will be a cast list in that journal as well, but I'm going to wait to see who we lose after checks before expending the effort to put people on it only to take them back off. For the duration of the bear plot, both hotels will have "complete" directories. That is to say, the old one will still list the moved people in their prior rooms, and the one on the new island will list everyone from the old island in the rooms they'll be moved into. And people in the new place can report these arrangements to the old place >:D

s'okay. That's that, and if you have questions or want to shake things up, go 'head and lemme know. I'll be here ... well, for a little while then we're going out to get noms, but then will be back again.

[info]rationalization in [info]indarkness_ooc

i turned into a grown-up again, yaaaay!

NOW THAT I'M ALIVE AND AN ADULT! it's time to get something out of the way.

i think i'm going to have to drop my other characters, besides scully. :( so that means [info]manyskills/xena, [info]drusil/drusilla, [info]lroslin/laura roslin. I KNOW WTF. i'm just having trouble maintaining my muses for them D: and i figured i'd let the whole group know, so that no one suddenly goes "... wait, wasn't xena here like five minutes ago?" i miiiight bring them back later, but for now, you're just stuck with me and scully!

November 2010



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