September 14th, 2010

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Caps, revisited

So, in a modly discussion over twitter (not ... even gonna lie. It's all there for the world to see XD ), we've decided to break up the OCs by fandom-based and original to help further balance things out.

Essentially it just means there are now two OC "fandoms" listed: fandom-based and completely original. OCs still count toward their own category and not the fandom they're based in.

The cast list and by-fandom page have already been adjusted to reflect this change, but I thought I'd give you a heads-up anyway in case you were considering an OC but saw we were near capped and didn't want to be the one to cap us. :) (Which is silly. You totally should).

As always, if you have questions, there're five million ways to get in touch with one or both of us mods, so fire away.

Thanks guys!

Also, if you haven't signed in to the activity check and want to stay in the game, don't forget to sign in with your threads!

[info]just_lucky in [info]indarkness_ooc

Because I am my muses' bitch ..

So, she came about I think when we were discussing Wash. She sort of dropped into my head and started telling me her story, and then that was followed up by a demand to app.

Well, since I already had her story ... I figured why not?

This is Lucinda "Lucky" Washburne, future child of Zoe and Hoban Washburne of Firefly fame. Since she actually does have a canon reference (in the comics, as a pregnancy XD ) I'm counting her as a canon character. A technical canon (like the J. Dornys and S. Cappers of Harry Potter fandom), but a canon all the same.


She may or may not show up tonight. I ... need to throw out a Dora post at some point before all the hours of the night flee.

November 2010



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