September 12th, 2010

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Call for Canon Baddies

So. For those who haven't picked up on the trend yet, each post-lottery attack is an invasion of some in-game character's canon baddies. We're not talking signature villains like Voldyshorts or anything like that, but the minion types. When we had Pirates of the Caribbean kids, there was totally going to be a skeletal pirate invasion, but they have all dropped or died so ... that one got nixed.

The Dementors are from HP. Reavers were from Firefly. The calla wolves are from Jake's canon. the Ice bears (if we go that way >:D) are from Dora's canon. Daleks are up for consideration, but I have to read up on them since I'm not familiar with their canon, but assuming we still have characters from that canon, they'd be considered as well.

So this is an invitation to you. are there any minion-sorts in your character's canon you'd like to see in an invasion?

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Kidnapping Plot

Oh hai!

Something tells me I should have done this ... sooner. In fairness to me, I had a very busy weekend.

First, I updated the application slightly. It was mostly just adding a couple of parentheticals for clarity. No major changes to what we need to know, but things that people seemed to be unclear on ... have been clarified. Theoretically.
Kidnappings )

If you didn't sign up the first time around and want to now, there's still time to do so. Up until Monday night, you can sign up to have your kid kidnapped.
Lottery )

Third, the return of powers.
Powers )

I think that covers everything for this week. Next weekend, we'll get into details on the dementor attack; we still haven't fine-tuned how that's going to be handled/played out yet, but hey. We have a week to line up our ducks XD

If you have any questions or need something clarified, please don't hesitate to comment, IM me, email me, hit the drop box, etc.

[info]withamagicword in [info]indarkness_ooc

And hereeeee's Billy, straight from canon. He's a character from DC Comics, and normally he is the superhero called Captain Marvel, but that all changed recently. He's mostly a student of magic and a very bouncy young man.

Me? I'm GW, and this is my ...nth character.

November 2010



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