August 26th, 2010

[info]theskywalker in [info]indarkness_ooc

Howdy! This is GW, bringing in my next pup, the strange, young, and very odd boy known as Luke Skywalker. He is coming in just a ways post- Star Wars 4: A new Hope, also known as the Original Star Wars. He has just found himself propelled to fame and fortune, got the kisses and admiration of a Princess, was called to heroism and Jedi-ism, and is seeking to understand life, kick Imperial ass, and somehow find peace, or something like that.

As always, I welcome plots and chatting on aim or at my email!

[info]simplyharry in [info]indarkness_ooc

And, because I couldn't resist, this is GW bringing you an adult, post-post-canon,Johnny Depp shaped Harry Potter. Head of the Auror department, recently single, enjoying that his fame has faded with time, Harry is finding he is happier with life than he has been in a long time.

That is, until he drops into this place.

Though, the chance to know his mother, and the chance to make the one great apology he needs to make, those things will make him very happy.

Anyway, like usual, I am open for plotting or chatting always.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]indarkness_ooc

Hello, hello! My name is MJ and I'm bringing in Sam Winchester from Supernatural. He's coming in from the end of season five, so Sam is officially back from Hell (confusing) and is now stuck here without any idea on how/what is even going on (even more confusing). He's got tons of info in his journal, so feel free to check that out if you need to know anything about him.

I'm always open for plotting - don't hesitate to drop a line my way if you want to chat! ;)

November 2010



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