July 22nd, 2010

[info]ex_manyskill100 in [info]indarkness_ooc

Hello, everyone! I'm Kierah, and I'm bringing in Xena. Yeah, the warrior princess! Right now, she's somewhat disoriented and definitely missing Gabrielle, her traveling companion/soulmate. She is tough, awesome, and right from the tail end of Season 1. Since she's technically from the B.C.s, she is not going to understand half of the stuff that's around her, and I'm going to say it took her upwards of an hour to figure out what the crap the iPhone/Blackberry type device actually does. But she's definitely a fast learner for someone from the time of the fall of Troy, right? I look forward to playing with all of you! ♥

Also, quick note - Xena uses a lot of anachronistic phrases when she speaks. I know, it doesn't seem realistic, but it's how the show is! Feel free to have characters comment on it if you want.

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

July 24-July 31 Event

I did say we're pushing plots back until more people are back with us - and we are.

Doesn't mean we can't have a weather event in the meantime.

Starting Saturday at noon, it's going to start raining. By the evening, there'll be thunderstorms. This will continue until noon on the 31st. There will be "random" (and by random, we mean at the most inopportune times) power outs that affect only certain areas at each time, lasting from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Feel free to start playing with those on Sunday.

It won't be thunderstorming the entire time - but it will be storming most nights. It will be raining the entire week, varying between drizzle and downpour.

If you have questions, fire away ;)

November 2010



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