June 25th, 2010

[info]sspeedster in [info]indarkness_ooc

Sorry it has taken so long to do this. The computer was being used for Buffy for a few hours, by my wife, so I couldn't really do stuff.

Here I am though, with a new character. :)

Her name is Kara Langly, and she's a speedy girl who, like most speedy characters, is a little reckless at times, but usually has good intentions. She'll be a little depressed at first, what with her parents' deaths, but she will probably still be nice.

Feel free to hit me up for plots and tags and stuffs

[info]iantos_fall in [info]indarkness_ooc

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around the passed handful of days, things are a bit busy over here. But be reassured you all won't get rid of me or Ianto that easily!

I'll be replying tonight as well as hopefully posting around Ianto on the net. If anyone wants to hit up a scene just give me a holler! :]

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc


So, as stated in the notes on the pool post. It will begin to get cold around 4:30 or so, and start snowing shortly thereafter. It will snow a lot, and it will snow hard, and by Saturday afternoon, there'll be a couple of feet of snow on the ground.

Obviously, the line is going to be buried ... but so are the traps. This would be free-pass line-cross time for anyone who happens to think about it - but I'd advise investing in methods to stay on top of the snow (like snowshoes or something XD ). All they will find on the other side of the line is just snow-covered land. No real buildings to speak of, maybe a few shack-things, and they'll hit ocean at every edge. 'cause. Island.

The hotel will have heating; the rooms have thermostats so everyone can set their own temperature. I was talked out of having a power outage this time around. But there will be one in the future! Probably. Unless I forget.

If you have questions, ask away.

and now I am almost late for work ::flee::

[info]iantos_fall in [info]indarkness_ooc


Whoo, blizzards!

...But right! Hey again guys. Sorry for another comment so soon, but I thought I'd drop a quick note regarding Ianto. Back at home he used to write a lot in a physical paper-bound journal, so with a go ahead from the mods every once and a while I will be posting up little entries from him noting on the days, general journal stuff that you can feel free to read or totally skip over on the networks.

Edit: As I've decided on a different approach, all journals will be in cut so as to avoid taking up space.

Also, as it's going to be written in a journal he's found inside the game no character (unless of course telepathic or Jack who steals things) can actually have read it or comment unless they steal it for a bit too. I'll put a warning above inside the cut if there's anything that requires a rating. I'm totally open to plots with people stealing it at some point (and if that happens you can always comment below the journal with a note they might have written) if you really want; but over all, again, just be sure to ask ahead of time and this is more over something fun for Ianto's development and to get more from his character

Thanks! :]

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc


Halo got ambitious at work today.

This is a not-to-scale idea of what we're looking at as far as the layout of the island. The outer line is the edge of the island. The inner line is the white line. The H is the hardware store, the GS is the gas station.

here is the direct link, but it's also under the cut.

Sorry, Mandy. No not-to-scale Dug.

cut for size 'cause it's a big png )

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Plot Element Suggestion - Input Required

So right. Dr. Matt is a freaking sadist and all day while I'm at work, he's feeding me these horrible ideas of what he'd like to see done to people here. Like what I'm doing to Lily next week because he's a freaking sadist.

That said, today's idea ... has a lot of potential for drama. But potential for lulz as well. Because in the end, we do torture our characters for fun, right? Right.

We all know that everyone in the hotel is under observation, including voice recording. What we want to do is record conversations in the hotel (only in the hotel; conversations held outside/in the stores/etc are not eligible), between two (or more) people about a party not involved in the conversation, and then post said conversation in the network - either privately or publicly, depending on the nature of it and the intended effect.

While this works fine for all characters threading, there's the issue of things we do behind the scenes with our own characters. For example, Jaime, Tyler, and Lily discussing their abilities. Jaime hasn't fessed up to anyone else what she can do, so she'd kind of be upset to have that particular conversation broadcast. She's a little sensitive about her mutation.

So if we opt to run with this (and we won't if people would rather not incorporate this angle), we'll pop up a post in the mod journal for people to drop in transcripts of conversations (dialogue only; no need for full on sceneing) held between their own characters that they wouldn't mind seeing posted in the network. We're only doing this when they're talking about someone else or admitting private/secret things about themselves though, so conversations about what they had for breakfast aren't going to be posted.

So, yes, no, elaboration needed, full on thumbs up, modifications, etc, etc? We want to hear from you :)

Unrelated Edit

Since Mandy just brought it up, and I will add it to the appropriate page, there is a directory in the hotel of who is in what room, so theoretically, people can locate other people without knocking on everyone's door.

November 2010



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