June 13th, 2010

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Open, woo

We are open.

Because we have no patience.

A few points that haven't yet made their way into the rules/faqs/etc/whatever:

- no friending button and please don't friend the journals - unless the involved players request it. We're not that kind of game. All "journal" entries go into [info]indarkness_net, which is the internet/communication network place.

- no contact list. There will be an unlocked 'who plays who' list in the mod journal, and we are requesting that everyone have some visible form of contact, be it an e-mail/AIM in the profile, or an OOC post with screened comments in your character journal.

- tags. You will be able to create your own tags in all the communities. If you misspell your character's name, please let us know and we'll remove the wrong tag. We'll probably catch it anyway since we do periodically peruse the tags list to tidy it up, but a heads up is always shiny.

- don't lock IC entries. Pleeeeaaasssee don't. If it's badnasty stuff that the kiddies shouldn't be reading, put a note in the header and make sure it's behind a cut. OOC entries can be locked or unlocked at your discretion.

We are generally pretty informal OOC, so please don't take our spastic capslocking at each other as a reflection of our playing skills. Read a couple of logs first. ;) And if the capsing/thread hijacking bothers you, let us know and we'll knock it off where you have to read it (as in, we won't hijack one of your ooc posts so you won't get our obnoxiousness in your comments).

That said, have fun. We'll give everyone a couple of weeks or so to settle in before the Heads start screwing with things.

[info]how_i_taste in [info]indarkness_ooc


Now that we're open - cause you guys can't possibly know who I am or who this is or any of that - I'm going to abuse this community. And tag the crap out of this post, possibly. Idk. We'll see how it is when I get down to the taggity box. Yes, this is mostly cause I loves me some capslock, hush.

I? Am Caz. And this? Is Rain Ocampo of Resident Evil fame. She's more or less bad ass, walks not so softly and carries a big (okay not so big) gun and has a bit of a complex about zombies. I really can't imagine why. She also shot her best friend with benefits in the head on account of he got zombified (this is a word, swears) and tried to eat her delectable flesh in the bad way. So layers upon layers of PTSD going on here. Don't mind if she's a bit tetchy. And by a bit I mean a lot. Technically? She's supposed to be dead. But whether the T-Virus antidote actually worked or or delightful scientist friends cured her, she's very not dead, though check out her bite scars some day if you get close enough and she doesn't kill you for getting too close. She's a little confrontational. Fun times.

Did I have anything else? No? Sweet, when's lunch?

November 2010



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