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Aug. 24th, 2012


WHO: Marcus and O'Brien
WHERE: Infirmary, O'Brien's room.
WHEN: A late night after O'Brien's injury while he's in the infirmary. August 23rd?
WHAT: Holy shit, Marcus is doing his job!
RATING: M for Marcus's Mouth (language, as ever, medium)

This is a scene of awesome sceneness. Go ahead and click on it, now. YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY. )

Aug. 23rd, 2012


WHO: Maddie and George
WHEN: August 25, 2019; afternoon (forward-dated)
WHERE: Rooftops on townside.
WHAT: Having fun shooting zombies with paintball guns
RATING: Low/medium.

★ ★ ★ )


WHO: Andrea and Taisce
WHAT: A confrontation after Andrea is mean to O’Brien
WHEN: Late Afternoon? August 23rd
WHERE: Near the medical ward
RATING: Medium to high perhaps?
STATUS: In progress.

You're in my way sugar tits )


WHO: Caleb and Father Thorne
WHAT: Meeting in the cafeteria.
WHEN: Early morning, August 23rd
WHERE: Cafeteria
RATING: I’m gonna say low
STATUS: In progress.

The cafeteria was silent )


WHO: Andrea and Wren
WHAT: Getting patched up
WHEN: Morning, August 23rd
WHERE: Medical Ward
RATING: Medium, cus Andrea has a mouth on her
STATUS: In progress.

The taste of blood )

Aug. 22nd, 2012


WHO: George and Luke.
WHAT: Awkward support providing.
WHEN: Backdated to August 21, morning.
WHERE: Outside O'Brien's room in the infirmary.
RATING: Medium?
STATUS: In progress.

Well I'll never be a stranger and I'll never be alone,
Whenever we're together, that's my home )


WHO: Evan and Leah
WHAT: Evan's stressed, but he comes home to a surprise date with Leah!
WHERE: The roof of the administrative building.
WHEN: 08/23, evening :: forward-dated
RATING: Medium, maybe?

We'll find ways to fill the empty,
far from all the hysteria;
I don't care if we suddenly find ourselves in Siberia... )

Aug. 21st, 2012


WHO: Rae and Rory
WHAT: BFF talking time, obvs.
WHERE: Rae's apartment.
WHEN: August 22nd, nighttime.
RATING: Medium for language, maybe?

Voices shaking my steps again,
I follow... )


WHO: Taisce and O'Brien
WHAT: Beginning of the aftermath.
WHERE: The infirmary.
WHEN: August 21, 2019; late afternoon/early evening?
RATING: We'll err on the safe side due to injuries and say medium.
STATUS: Complete!

you'll never be alone | when darkness comes you know I'm never far | hear the whispers in the dark )

Aug. 19th, 2012


[Oh what a tangled web we weave?]

Who: Marty, Mike, Taisce, and eventually Lily. (With mention of Luke, Finn--with permission, and O'Brien.)
What: Figuring out what's happening, restraining people, not restraining people, and eventual confrontation.
Where: Camera room, other places.
When: August 20, around 9:00AM onward.
Rating: High.
Status: In-progress

This had gotten out of control. )

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