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Apr. 16th, 2012


WHO: Leah and Evan
WHEN: Forward-dated to April 20, 2019; evening
WHERE: Sing Sing; Evan's room
WHAT: It's Evan and his wife's anniversary. Leah's there for emotional support.
RATING: Medium.

★ ★ ★ )


WHO: Brandon and Elliot
WHAT: Brandon's not doing so well. Elliot, of all people, talks him out of a shitty mood.
WHERE: Sing Sing, one of the trails.
WHEN: April 16th, 2019, afternoon.
RATING: Likely medium for a ton of language. It's Brandon, after all.
STATUS: In progress

However, when you weren't exactly strong of mind, being alone with your thoughts wasn't always the best idea. )


WHO: Cutter and Rodeo
WHEN: April 14, 2019
WHERE: New York Public Library
WHAT: Heavy conversation and even heavier drinking
RATING: Medium
STATUS: In progress

Ain't this what brothers are supposed to do? The blood between us makes it all but true. )

Apr. 15th, 2012


WHO: Addie and Cutter
WHAT: Failed attempt to be sneaky and avoid gift- giving face to face
WHERE: New York Public Library, the loft in the patents room
WHEN: April 14th, early evening.
RATING: Medium
STATUS: In Progress.

Today is a gift, that's why we call it present. Gift is also German for poison, which is very close to Cutter's definition. )

Apr. 14th, 2012


WHO: George and Luke.
WHAT: Birthday meet-up.
WHERE: Sing Sing, Luke and O'Briens' pad.
WHEN: April 13th (Backdated slightly).
RATING: Medium-ish.
STATUS: In Progress.

Your song reminds me of swimming )


WHO: Luke and Uncle B.
WHAT: Roughhousing!
WHEN: April 14th, 2019
WHERE: Sing Sing's recreation building.
RATING: Low/Medium.
STATUS: In progress

~*~*~*~ )

Apr. 12th, 2012


WHO: Rory and Casey
WHAT: Casey makes a shitty thief
WHEN: April 9, 2019
WHERE: The library infirmary
RATING: Medium
STATUS: Complete

I need a bundle of dope just to numb it out. )

Apr. 10th, 2012


WHO: From Casey, to Lilah
WHAT: A gift
WHEN: April 10, 2019
WHERE: Madison Square Garden

Girl, you're like a weird vacation. )


WHO: Kori. Open to reaction from Lilah and Leah.
WHAT: Not Birthday Presents.
WHEN: April 10th.
WHERE: Left near their beds in the presidential Skybox of MSG.

for Lilah )

for Leah )


WHO: Brandon, open to reaction from Leah and Lilah
WHAT: Non-birthday presents.
WHERE: Left next to Leah and Lilah's sleeping area.
WHEN: April 10th, 2019

To Lele )
To Lemondrop )

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