Harry Potter RPG Ads
The community rules were borrowed (and modified) with permission from [info]find_a_game

September 2023



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October 12th, 2010


[No Subject]


Holds Application Cast FAQ Everything Else!

In 2023, the first Wizard University was opened in Ipswich, England. Offering an alternative to traditional internships, the school was a welcome relief to places such as St Mungos and Professional Quidditch Teams, where applicants far exceeded the vacancies. One year later the school is thriving with nine offered subjects, co-ed fraternities, street games, and Quidditch tournaments. Gossip and rumours, pranks, and day-to-day mishaps make college life anything but boring. Just mind the occasional streaker.

WMU is a next generation Harry Potter game set at university. With a focus on character development, good storylines, and both friendships and relationships between characters, we’ve gone back to basics that make role play fun. We encourage good writing, journaling, threading, and our players to simply relax and have fun.

[No Subject]


Premise II Rules II FAQ II Holds II Taken II Application

Strange occurrences have begun to happen. Witches and wizards begin to disappear from their time and reappear in the muggle London, England. Some will remember their lives as a witch or wizard, others forgetting. What's even stranger, is that they have a life in the muggle world. Even if they remember their life at Hogwarts or in the wizarding world, they have a job, life, sometimes even a family in this "new" muggle life.

Things are not alright in the muggle world either. Strange accidents and disasters have been reported throughout the U.K. that cannot be explained or fathomed. Could this be the work of He Who Must Not Be Named? His followers? And can those who remember their lives in the wizarding world come together and remind those who have forgotten?

Welcome to Remember the Forgotten, an AU Harry Potter RPG. Join us in this journal based RPG where you can become one of those who remember or one of the forgotten. Gameplay begins August 13th!.

[No Subject]


What are you running away from?

A laidback and canon compliant Harry Potter game set the year after Deathly Hallows.

Game began October 1st.

premise | available | rules | apply