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Oct. 31st, 2015


Halloween Gift for Lee_bella

Gift for: lee_bella

From: [info]vaysh11

Title: Full Moon over Malfoy Manor
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters and locations mentioned in this drabble are J. K. Rowling's. They are used with love and respect for her original creations. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: past canon major character death implicitly referenced
Summary: The full moon draws Lucius Malfoy to the dungeons.

Full Moon over Malfoy Manor )


Halloween Treat for Lumosed_quill

Gift for: [info]lq_traintracks

From: [info]sdk

Title: For Research
Pairing: Millicent/Hermione
Rating: PG­13
Warnings: Bloodplay of the vampire variety.
Summary: Hermione is willing to do whatever it takes for her research.
Notes: Thanks to Olivia for the beta! LQ, your prompt "somebody's a super hot vampire" inspired this, and I hope it's to your liking! <3

For Research )


Halloween Gift for Knowmefirst

Gift for: [info]knowmefirst

From: [info]starduchess

Title: Whose Night Is This? I Think I Know
Pairing: Snape/Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: drama, canon death
Summary: All Hallow's Eve has never been an easy night for Severus.
Notes: Set during DH. Thanks to [info]shadowycat for the beta. Title modified from a Robert Frost poem.

Happy Halloween, knowmefirst!  )


Halloween Treat for Leigh_adams

Gift for: leigh_adams

From: lightofdaye

Title: Blind Man's Bluff
Pairing: Seamus/Padma
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They're not mine and I'm not making money from this.
Summary: Seamus encounters a surprisingly confident Patil twin.
Notes: 200 words means most of the idea here is left as subtext. Still I hope you like it, Leigh.

Blind Man's Bluff )


Halloween Treat for Enchanted_Jae

Gift for: [info]enchanted_jae

From: greyeyesbluetoo

Title: Mum’s the Word
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing. JK Rowling owns everything. I wish I was her.
Warnings: Sexual arousal.
Summary: Partnered together for a Transfiguration assignment, Draco accidentally lets the cat out of the bag.
Notes: AU seventh year.

Mum’s the Word )


Halloween Gift for Krissy_cits

Gift for: krissy_cits

From: [info]ragdoll

Title: Beautiful Stranger
Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Surprise Female Character
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox. I only play here.
Summary: "If you name me correctly, I'll kiss you," she'd said to Neville. "You may ask unlimited questions, but there's only one guess allowed."
Notes: Krissy_cits, I'm so happy I got to write for you. I loved all three of your prompts, so used them all. As for pairings, well, you'll see! Unfortunately, poor Seamus had to sit out this Hallowe'en.

Thanks so much to [info]nightfalltwen for helping me brainstorm, and to my gals [info]katmarajade, [info]luvscharlie, and [info]lunalovepotter for betaing and cheerleading.

I'll Take My Chance On A Beautiful Stranger )


Halloween Treat for Reeby10

Gift for: reeby10

From: lee_bella

Title: The Mirror Crack'd
Characters: Harry, Voldemort (or Harry/Voldemort depending on your interpretation)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter and its characters are not mine.
Summary: He had visited the Riddle House many times -- in a dream that was not entirely a dream.
Notes: The title comes from a line in Lord Alfred Tennyson's poem, "The Lady of Shalott".

Happy Halloween )


Halloween Gift for Pauraque

Gift for: [info]pauraque

From: [info]flyingharmony

Title: Carry My Soul Into The Night
Character: Narcissa Black
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Grief
Summary: Night is the only time she is safe.
Notes: Happy Halloween to you, dear [info]pauraque! I really hope that you like this - it was a great pleasure writing for you. Lots of thanks to my dear beta Kristine, and to the mods for hosting this great exchange!

Happy Halloween!  )


Halloween Treat for Alisanne

Gift for: [info]alisanne

From: [info]digthewriter

Title: So worth it
Pairing: Harry/Severus/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This drabble is written for fun and not for profit. No offence is intended.
Warnings: Threesome implied. H/D/S
Summary: Harry wants to recruit Severus to make Draco's Halloween special. He might have to try and try again to convince him. Not that Harry minds.
Notes: [info]alisanne, you are the best thing in the world. I hope you enjoy this.

So worth it )


Halloween Treat for Rivertempest

Gift for: rivertempest

From: rzzmg

Title: Forever
Characters: Harry Potter & Severus Snape
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: "Harry Potter" is the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. This fanfiction was written entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: Reference to a betrayal & murder.
Summary: Ahead stands a figure dressed in black. A Reaper in the bush, waiting. Hair as dark as raven’s wings, black eyes sharp, he waits with the endless patience of the summoner.
Notes: Depulso = Repulsing/Unsummoning charm in HP canon. Saecula = Latin for ‘forever’. It was an honour to write for you, Rivertempest! I hope you enjoy your drabble. Happy Halloween to you! Thank you, Mods, for running this awesome fic fest again this year! Love participating in this!!!

Forever )


Halloween Gift for Lightofdaye

Gift for: lightofdaye

From: leigh_adams

Title: A Knight in Khaki Armor
Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is JKR’s. No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made.
Warnings: None
Summary: A wardrobe malfunction and an act of chivalry bring two unlikely people together.
Notes: Thanks to Mugglechump for the quick beta -- you’re a peach, doll! Daye, I know this isn’t smutty, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Ten points to all if you can guess their costumes... Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for Starduchess

Gift for: [info]starduchess

From: [info]torino10154

Title: The Quick and the Undead
Characters: Harry, Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Harry never thought he'd see Sirius again. It might have been better if he hadn't.
Notes: Thanks to [info]alisanne and [info]writcraft for the once over. Hope you enjoy it, [info]starduchess!

The Quick and the Undead  )


Halloween Gift for Gin_tonic

Gift for: [info]gin_tonic

From: [info]nimrod_9

Title: Not Just of Apples and Ice Mice
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sadly, no candy was eaten and no sex was had
Summary: Harry skips out on the Halloween party his eighth year at Hogwarts.
Notes: Many thanks to torino10154 for the beta! Many more thanks to the mods for this fab fest!!

Happy Halloween )


Halloween Treat for Ragdoll

Gift for: [info]ragdoll

From: krissy_cits

Title: Stolen Identities
Pairing: Bill/Tonks
Rating: PG-13 / T
Disclaimer: Not for profit, etc., etc.
Summary: Bill has a tough time finding his lover at the annual Ministry Halloween costume party.
Notes: Happy Halloween, ragdoll! I haven't written this pair before so I hope I did them justice. Thanks to worrywart for the beta!

Happy Halloween, ragdoll!  )


Halloween Gift for Bluemermaid

Gift for: [info]bluemermaid

From: rivertempest

Title: Poisoned Truth
Pairing: Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns it all. She would never approve of what I do to her beloved characters.
Warnings: Disturbing imagery, horror.
Summary: Wizarding society thinks Neville Longbottom is an innocuous, brilliant herbologist. He cultivates this notion as he does his beloved plants.

Notes: Dear [info]bluemermaid - I hope you like the direction I went with this. I also want to thank you for listing 'horror' as one of the things you wanted to see in your gift! It may be a stretch, but you could consider the prompt of 'monster' as well. And if that wasn't enough, there is visual confirmation that a particular fungus exists: Many thanks to my beta [info]delphipsmith (and her science-y husband!). She is a brave soul!

Poisoned Truth )

Oct. 31st, 2014


Halloween treat for cruisedirector

Gift for: [info]cruisedirector

From: [info]kirasha

Title: Tryst
Pairing: Severus/Regulus
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A clandestine meeting between two wizards on a night of magic.

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween treat for hikarievandar

Gift for: hikarievandar

From: [info]lore

Title: The Taste of Regret
Pairing: Regulus/Barty Crouch Jr.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Character Death
Summary: Regulus knows what to do, but he doesn't have to like it.
Notes: I hope everyone's day is Spooktacular!

Regulus rose from the bed )


Halloween treat for cranky_crocus

Gift for: [info]cranky__crocus

From: [info]dexstarr

Title: The Badger and the Lioness
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Amelia Bones
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: HP is not mine.
Summary: Minerva and Amelia, preparing for a Samhain party.
Notes: Kiwi, I hope you enjoy.

Happy Halloween  )


Halloween Gift for islandsmoke

Gift for: [info]islandsmoke

From: [info]writcraft

Title: An Autumn Morning
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Severus and Remus wake up together on a foggy Autumn morning.
Notes: Have a wonderful Samhain, Islandsmoke! Thanks to A for the quick beta.

An Autumn Morning )


Halloween treat for rivertempest

Gift for: rivertempest

From: [info]torino10154

Title: Always
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: *Character death*
Summary: Harry finds Severus in their special place.
Notes: Thanks to [info]sdkshelly and [info]badgerlady for the beta.

Always )

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