October 20th, 2011

[info]detroit_muscle in [info]hou_ren

Who: Gus, Lidia, and Aleks.
When: Wednesday afternoon, October 19th.
Where: 103 Orchid.
Rating: TBD.
Summary: Move in day. Gus meets his brother in law.
Warnings: Probably swears but nothing else.

They hadn't wasted time. )

[info]bastardprincess in [info]hou_ren

Who:Lidia and Gus.
When: Very late evening, Oct 20
Where: 103 Orchid Road.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Lidia walks in on a phone call between Gus and his mother.
Warnings: Nothing objectionable.

I know you do, mom, but this is kind of a weird situation. )

[info]bastard_prince in [info]hou_ren

Who: Whoever wants to party.
When: Thursday night, October 20th.
Where: Far East Pub
Rating: TBD.
Summary: It is time for a little fun to celebrate a new marriage.
Warnings: TBD but it is a party at a club/pub. So.

In Aleksey's mind the only way to properly celebrate was to get really drunk. )

[info]detroit_muscle in [info]hou_ren

Who: Michele and Gus
When: Afternoon, October 20th.
Where: 100 Orchid Road.
Rating: TBD
Summary: Gus stops by to pick up pumpkin seeds and admire the best decorated house on the block.
Warnings: Nothing objectionable besides Gus's tendency to swear.

There was something very appealing about having a visit with a neighbor. )