October 10th, 2011

[info]cip in [info]hou_ren

Who: Cip and Aleks
When: Sunday October 9th, late night
Where: Far East Pub
Rating: TBD
Summary: Working, yo
Warnings: TBA

And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same. )

[info]detroit_muscle in [info]hou_ren

Who:Beatrice and Gus
When: Early morning on October 9th.
Where: Just outside the dormitories and around the grounds.
Rating:TBD (likely mild)
Summary: Gus finds another morning-jog enthusiast.
Warnings: None.

Routine, Gus knew, was the best way to adjust to a new place. )

[info]detroit_muscle in [info]hou_ren

Who: Lidia and Gus.
When: Evening, October 8th.
Where: Far East Pub.
Rating: PG, mildly suggestive.
Summary: Gus needs a drink, Lidia is a bartender. It’s a win/win situation. Completed log.
Warnings: Mild swearing.

I guess it’s Miller time, then. )