Oct. 13th, 2011


Who: Annie and Gus
When: Early October 12th.
Where: Natura Mojo.
Rating: SFW
Summary: Gus needs a coffee before going to ground for Press Day.
Warnings: None.

Settling into a new routine wasn't as easy as he had been hoping.  )

Sep. 26th, 2011


Who: Annabelle Thomas and OPEN
When: September 26th, bright and early in the morning
Where: Natura Mojo
Rating: PG
Summary: Annie's also at work - I have no imagination
Warnings: None at the moment!

her adopted brother was such a rotten idiot )

Sep. 4th, 2011


Who: Key Isaacs and OPEN
When: September 4th, 2051. 6:10 am
Where: Natura Mojo Coffeehouse
Rating: PG - PG-13
Summary: Key finds himself starting his day much earlier than he would've liked. A free cup of coffee is jut the consolation he needs.
Warnings: SFW

Key wasn't really measuring as he poured sugar into his coffee cup but if he had to hazard a guess, he was on his eighth teaspoon )

Aug. 26th, 2011


Who: Zeke Chalson and Annie Thomas
When: August 26
Where: Natura Mojo Coffeehouse
Rating: PGish?
Summary: Zeke runs into his future bride.
Warnings: None as of yet.

Bless this groom, totally insane, slipping down the drain )

Aug. 18th, 2011


Who: William Reynolds and Michele Durand
When: Monday, August 16th - afternoon
Where: The route to the girls' dormitory
Rating: PG tops, probably?
Summary: Conversation.
Warnings: None. If any come up I'll edit them in?

William Reynolds emerged from Natura Mojo a few minutes after the French-accented Michele, still clutching a half full iced soy caramel latte. His initial thought had been to simply return to his dormitory to start unpacking, but there was so much of the facility that he hadn't yet seen, and enough daylight left to make a good honest start at it, at the very least.

So he did the only sensible thing: walk off in the opposite direction of the one that had gotten him to the Coffeehouse. Generally, William walked quickly, with long, fast strides. It wasn't long until he was at full speed, power-walking his way down one of the paths.

A few moments later, he spotted a familiar figure with seemingly a much better idea of where she was going: Michele. Reaching up with his hand, he waved it at her, calling out. "Hey!"

Aug. 16th, 2011


Who: Annabelle Thomas and OPEN
When: August 16th, afternoon
Where: Natura Mojo Coffeehouse
Rating: G
Summary: Annie's at work, come talk to her and she'll whip you up the most delicious coffee you've ever tasted
Warnings: Clean as a whistle

She didn't enjoy the taste of coffee and could sometimes hardly even bear the smell of it, but in spite of that fact she had a slight obsession with making the stuff  )


Who: Rubina Verino and Nate Coventon
When: August 16th, 3pm
Where: Natura Mojo
Rating: PG
Summary: Nate gets his fortune told. Burn?
Warnings: SFW

The Beginning of an End )