Oct. 6th, 2011


Who: Léon Rousseau & Rosemary Shahi
When: (SUPER DUPER BACKDATED) September 28th, 2051 3:27pm
Where: Dorm Courtyard
Rating: PG - PG-13
Summary: The newly paired couple has their first ever meeting.
Warnings: Um, excessive Rosemary controlling-ness?

It would be completely stupid for her to be feeling any kind of anxiety at this point anyway. This kind of thing was something that really did happen all the time in this place )

Oct. 5th, 2011


Who: Lidia and Leo
What: Leon meets one of the two new bartenders
Where: Far East
When: Thursday evening
Rating: Fairly low
Music (for funzies): Rev 20 22, Dry Martini Mix

Saviors and saints, devils and heathens alike; she'll eat you alive. )

Sep. 26th, 2011


Who: Léon Rousseau and Constance Pavlenco
When: September 26th, evening
Where: Wong's Every Theme Restaurant
Rating: PG - I assume
Summary: Léon at work
Warnings: None at the moment! I apologise for the three open posts that are coming – but I'm rather unwell and therefore lying in bed with nothing to do.

the restaurant had been kitted out in the style of an old saloon – all wagon wheels and fake mounted moose heads )

Aug. 18th, 2011


Who: Léon Rousseau and Lino Vasquez
When: Thursday, August 18th, early afternoon
Where: Hòu Rén community centre
Rating: PG - PG-13, I assume
Summary: Leo goes for a wander
Warnings: None thus far!

The pool was calling Leo's name )