October 19th, 2011

[info]detroit_muscle in [info]hou_ren

Who: Lidia and Gus.
When: Late Morning Tuesday, October 18th.
Where: The Park.
Rating: PG-13, language and suggestion.
Summary: Gus and Lidia meet to discuss their impending government mandated nuptials.
Warnings: Angst-O-Meter goes to 11.

I like to be notified in advance of my vicious Russian ass-kickings. )

[info]detroit_muscle in [info]hou_ren

Who: Gus and Lidia.
What: Getting to know each other.
When: October 18th, After midnight on Tuesday/Wednesday morning.
Where: The Park.
Rating: NSFW!
Warnings: Soviet Barbie and Captain America get it on.

She had a loose idea of how she was going to handle Gus now that they were contractually obligated to each other, pressed under circumstances that were...less than favorable. )