April 2009



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Mar. 2nd, 2009


date: 24 October 1997 Backdated.
characters: Megan Jones, Ernie Macmillan and Susan Bones
location: Hufflepuff Common Room
private/semi-private/public: Public
summary: Haunted by the printed word.
status: Complete.

Mar. 1st, 2009


date: 26 October 1997
characters: Susan Bones & Padma Patil
location: Hogwarts.
private/semi-private/public: Semi-Private.
summary: A Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw walk into a bar... o, wait.
status: Beginning.

Things in the castle seemed to have reached a humming plateau of tension... )

Feb. 26th, 2009


Date: October 22, 1997
Characters: Attendees to Professor Carrow's Dark Arts Class for the 6th and 7th years
Location: DADA classroom
Private/Semi-private/Public: Public
Summary: Further instruction on the Imperius Curse.
Status: Complete

Over the past few weeks, Amycus had grown suspicious. The students hadn't put up the fight he'd expected when they started on the Imperius. They were taking to it too easily. The little brats were up to something, he could feel it. But he couldn't prove it. The Imperius Curse was an easy enough one to fake without worrying about detection.

To a point.

He'd given each student a white rat to put under Imperius, knowing there was no way they could fake that.

"When you've successfully cast the curse," he began as he strolled through the room, "make your rat stand up on its hind legs. Maybe have it give a little wave with its paw."

Feb. 21st, 2009


date: 18 October 1997
characters: Rosmerta, a Death Eater, Open to all in Hogsmeade
location: Hogsmeade
private/semi-private/public: Public
summary: It's a Hogsmeade Weekend, and despite the doormen The Three Broomsticks is open for business
status: Free for all!

These times we're living in. They make me nervous, William )