April 2009



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Mar. 12th, 2009


date: 31st of October 1997 - BACKDATED.
characters: Roger Davies, Oliver Wood, lots more
location: Rogiver's apartment in Muggle London
private/semi-private/public: semi-private - anyone can join in if they know Rogiver. Ping me or Amanda!
summary: It's Halloween. Even in scary times, people like to par-tay.
status: incomplete

trick or treat )

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Date: 18 October 1997
Characters: Roger Davies, Ellen Davies (NPC), Oliver Wood, (Lavender Brown? Anyone really, ping to get in.)
Location: All around Hogsmeade
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Semi-Private
Summary: Roger is worried about his little sister, so pops to Hogsmeade to check on her, brother-from-another-mother in toe. While he's there, he might flirt with a blonde.
Status: Incomplete.

Roger was going to punch Oliver in the pain sack if he didn't stop flirting with his little sister )

Feb. 11th, 2009


Date: 9 October 1997
Characters: Angelina Johnson & open.
Location: Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Public
Summary: Angelina's very, very bored.
Status: Incomplete.

Maybe she should just quit. )

Feb. 4th, 2009


date: 1st October, 1997.
characters: Roger Davies, Alicia Spinnet, Oliver Wood
location: Respective
private/semi-private/public: Private
summary: Roger snogged Alicia years ago, and recently, almost DIED for it. So, naturally, he is not pleased.
status: Complete.

Owl for undercover Al )

Jan. 27th, 2009


date: 23 September 1997
characters: Eddie Carmichael, Roger Davies, Oliver Wood, & Sullivan Vaisey
location: Dirty Maggie's, a pub in Muggle London.
private/semi-private/public: Public. More's the party.
summary: Boys will be boys.
status: Complete.

The past couple of days had felt to Eddie a little too much like dangling from the end of a fishing hook... )

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Date: 16 August, 1997.
Characters: Stephen Cornfoot and Roger Davies
Location: Diagon Alley
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Public!
Summary: Stephen is walking and runs into Roger. It is the start of a great bromance.
Status: Incomplete, beginning

As a student he said, 'I am young and avid for glory.' )