Apr. 13th, 2009


Hot Trio Action!

Just a heads up to let you all know that our 'placeholder' thread has finally been finished and updated, so go take a gander! http://asylums.insanejournal.com/hallowed_ground/84510.html#cutid1

Coming soon: Ron has a hissy fit, Harry and Hermione are left to mope alone.

Apr. 1st, 2009



Would anyone like to play with Hannah?


Feb. 10th, 2009


new Oliver

Hi Everyone, I'm Amanda and I'm your new Oliver Wood.  

You may already know me as the magnificent, yet immasculated Lucius Malfoy.  

I can be reached on AIM as Amandag555
Or through email at amandafunderburk@yahoo.com

I'm up for all sorts of plotting and fun, so feel free to ping me anytime. 

Oliver has morphed a bit, so feel free to read the app over in his journal.  I'm working on his 10 things, so you'll see them soon.  

Hoping to play with you all soon!