April 2009



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Mar. 3rd, 2009


date: 28 October, 1997
characters: Patricia Stimpson, Angelina Johnson
location: Respective homes
private/semi-private/public: Private
summary: Checking on a friend, by way of another friend
status: Incomplete

Where oh where has our little lamb gone? )

Feb. 11th, 2009


Date: 9 October 1997
Characters: Angelina Johnson & open.
Location: Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Public
Summary: Angelina's very, very bored.
Status: Incomplete.

Maybe she should just quit. )

Jan. 23rd, 2009



date: 17 September 1997
characters: Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson
location: Sky
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: Alicia was racking up the favors.
status: Beginning.

Jan. 9th, 2009


date: 5 september, 1997
characters: alicia, patricia, angelina, kenneth, george, maybe fleur & bill?
location: pet's flat, shell cottage, etc.
private/semi-private/public: semi-private
summary: moving a muggleborn is a tricky business
status: incomplete

luckily there's a plan )

Jan. 1st, 2009


Date: 24 August, 1997
Characters: Angelina Johnson and Kenneth Towler
Location: Museum of Quidditch
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Semi-Private
Summary: Angelina's skiving off work and decides to visit the museum.
Status: Complete.

Yes, the Museum of Quidditch is in fact therapeutic. )

Dec. 23rd, 2008


Owl and Scene

Date: 18 August, 1997.
Characters: Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, (Pet later?)
Location: Side room in Pet's place
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Private
Summary: Al is bored, Ang helps.
Status: Incomplete, beginning

Dec. 14th, 2008


RP: In August and Everything After

Date: 9 August 1997
Characters: Patricia Stimpson, Invited Guests (please add your tag if you're joining us and I'll add you in here)
Location: Patricia's roof
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Semi-Private
Summary: Drinks are had, questions are answered, plots are hopefully hatched
Status: Starting

You get a little less than you expected, somehow )

Dec. 8th, 2008


OWL: To Various

Date: August 4th, 1997
Characters: Patricia Stimpson, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Lee Jordan
Location: Various
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Private
Summary: An invitation to something less than a celebration
Status: Beginning

This letter will self-destruct in five minutes )