April 2009



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Jan. 23rd, 2009


date: 16 September 1997
characters: Sullivan Vaisey & Eddie Carmichael
location: Sul's flat.
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: Disbelieving!Sul and NORLY!Ed.
status: Complete.

D’you want to spoon? )

Jan. 21st, 2009


date: 17 September 1997
characters: Alicia Spinnet & Eddie Carmichael
location: Various.
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: Owls clearly are not bound by the same rules as Muggle telephones, IE, does not have to wait five days to call.
status: Complete.

Owl Post )

Jan. 19th, 2009



date: 15 September 1997
characters: Alicia Spinnet & Eddie Carmichael
location: Various
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: It's customary to send thank you cards for presents. Alicia has manners. She does, I swear!
Status: Complete.


date: 15 September 1997
characters: Sullivan Vaisey & Eddie Carmichael
location: The Blue Sphinx, Sul's flat after.
private/semi-private/public: Semi-Private.
summary: Drunk!Ed mopes and talks about amputees. Sullivan puts up with him for some reason. BROMANCE.
Status: Complete.

No one came to a place like this if they wanted to socialize... )

Jan. 8th, 2009


Date: 3rd September, 1997.
Characters: Eddie and Sullivan.
Location: Casa da Vaisey, Whimsic Alley.
Private/semi-private/public: Private.
Summary: Eddie shows up at Sul's old flat and stuff happens: blood, dodgy healers, drinking, and discussion of hawt chicks ensues.
Status: Complete.

what happened to your face? )

Nov. 24th, 2008


date: 21 July 1997
characters: Sullivan Vaisey & Eddie Carmichael
location: Casa de Vaisey, and later a club called the Blue Sphinx
private/semi-private/public: Private
summary: Potions and gambling and wickedness.
status: Complete

He had the whole night ahead of him, however, and was becoming rather expert at maintaining a semblance of attention at work with only three hours sleep... )