April 2009



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Mar. 2nd, 2009


date: 24 October 1997 Backdated.
characters: Megan Jones, Ernie Macmillan and Susan Bones
location: Hufflepuff Common Room
private/semi-private/public: Public
summary: Haunted by the printed word.
status: Complete.


date: 27 October 1997
characters: Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil
location: Ravenclaw Common Room
private/semi-private/public: Semi-Private.
summary: Sleepless nights will catch up with you eventually.
status: Complete.

Mar. 1st, 2009


date: 21 October 1997 Backdated.
characters: Morag MacDougal & Padma Patil
location: Hogwarts.
private/semi-private/public: Semi-Private.
summary: Unwinding a few days after Hogsmeade.
status: Beginning.

Padma imagined that she likely appeared the very picture of comfort, for all she didn't feel it... )


date: 26 October 1997
characters: Susan Bones & Padma Patil
location: Hogwarts.
private/semi-private/public: Semi-Private.
summary: A Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw walk into a bar... o, wait.
status: Beginning.

Things in the castle seemed to have reached a humming plateau of tension... )

Feb. 26th, 2009


Date: October 22, 1997
Characters: Attendees to Professor Carrow's Dark Arts Class for the 6th and 7th years
Location: DADA classroom
Private/Semi-private/Public: Public
Summary: Further instruction on the Imperius Curse.
Status: Complete

Over the past few weeks, Amycus had grown suspicious. The students hadn't put up the fight he'd expected when they started on the Imperius. They were taking to it too easily. The little brats were up to something, he could feel it. But he couldn't prove it. The Imperius Curse was an easy enough one to fake without worrying about detection.

To a point.

He'd given each student a white rat to put under Imperius, knowing there was no way they could fake that.

"When you've successfully cast the curse," he began as he strolled through the room, "make your rat stand up on its hind legs. Maybe have it give a little wave with its paw."

Feb. 25th, 2009


date: 22 October 1997
characters: Serafina Capper & Ritchie Coote
location: Hogwarts
private/semi-private/public: Public.
summary: Fee is up to no good, wanting for a witness, an accomplice, or a reprimand.
status: Complete.

Serafina prided herself on willfully refusing to learn from her mistakes... )


Feb. 25, 2009

Date: October 18, 1997 (backdated)
Characters: Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, and Kinsey Bundy (later)
Location: Honeydukes, Hogsmeade
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Semi-Private (it is a busy store, after all....)
Summary: Seamus attempts to make amends for his fight with Neville, and Kinsey learns more about the DA....
Status: Beginning


date: 18 October 1997 Backdated.
characters: Megan Jones & Serafina Capper
location: Hogsmeade
private/semi-private/public: Semi-private.
summary: Girl wonders! Riiiight.
status: In progress.

It's a bit of a risk for them, don't you think? Letting us out of our cages? )


date: 22 October 1997
characters: Alicia Spinnet & Eddie Carmichael
location: Various.
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: Ed should know better. But he doesn't.
status: Beginning.

Owl Post )


date: 16 October 1997 Backdated.
characters: Sullivan Vaisey & Eddie Carmichael
location: Various.
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: A belated letter sans apologetic undertones. Honest.
status: Beginning.

Owl Post )

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Date: 18 October 1997
Characters: Roger Davies, Ellen Davies (NPC), Oliver Wood, (Lavender Brown? Anyone really, ping to get in.)
Location: All around Hogsmeade
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Semi-Private
Summary: Roger is worried about his little sister, so pops to Hogsmeade to check on her, brother-from-another-mother in toe. While he's there, he might flirt with a blonde.
Status: Incomplete.

Roger was going to punch Oliver in the pain sack if he didn't stop flirting with his little sister )

Feb. 22nd, 2009


Date: October 18th, 1997
Characters: Theodore Nott, Padma Patil, Mrs. Flume, Morag MacDougal
Location: Honeydukes, Three Broomsticks, up to the school
Private/semi-private/public: Semi-Public
Summary: The day winds down
Status: beginning

Honeydukes was nearly always Theodore's last stop in Hogsmeade )

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Date: October 18th, 1997.
Characters: Sullivan Vaisey and Serafina Capper.
Location: Shrieking Shack.
Private/semi-private/public: Private.
Summary: Sul and Fee's miniature rampage continue as the two decide to throw rocks at fourth years.
Status: Complete.

'What's the old-fashioned way?' She asked, genuinely uncertain but feeling coy. 'Is it the missionary of rock throwing?' )

Feb. 21st, 2009


Date: October 18th, 1997
Characters: Anthony Goldstein and Morag MacDougal
Location: Honeydukes
Private/semi-private/public: Public
Summary: Time for a sugar  break
Status: Complete

Feb. 22nd, 2009


Date: October 18th, 1997.
Characters: Sullivan Vaisey, Serafina Capper and Theodore Nott.
Location: The Three Broomsticks.
Private/semi-private/public: Private.
Summary: Sul and Fee meet up with Theodore to discuss business, books, and wanking materials.
Status: Complete.

Maybe there was a club for short people. )

Feb. 21st, 2009


Date: October 18th, 1997
Characters: Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil
Location: Hogsmeade (Scrivenshaft's to be exact).
Private/semi-private/public: Private.
Summary: Anthony runs into Padma.
Status: Complete


hannah + ernie

Date: October 18th, 1997.
Characters: Hannah Abbott & Ernie MacMillan
Location: Hogsmeade.
Private/semi-private/public: Private.
Summary: Hannah and Ernie need buddy time.
Status: Pending.

Hey, you! )


Date: October 18th, 1997.
Characters: Ernie Macmillan & Neville Longbottom
Location: The Three Broomsticks
Private/semi-private/public: Private.
Summary: Ernie has a mission, and seeks out Neville to discuss Important Things.
Status: Complete.

Ernie was always one for getting right to the meat of things, even if the way he got there was a bit round-a-bout. )


date: 18 October 1997
characters: Rosmerta, a Death Eater, Open to all in Hogsmeade
location: Hogsmeade
private/semi-private/public: Public
summary: It's a Hogsmeade Weekend, and despite the doormen The Three Broomsticks is open for business
status: Free for all!

These times we're living in. They make me nervous, William )


date: 18 October 1997
characters: Sullivan Vaisey & Serafina Capper
location: Hogsmeade.
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: Running amuck, amuck, amuck.
status: Complete.

He supposed he'd had too many other things on his mind to consider organising his calendar... )


date: 18 October 1997
characters: Anthony Goldstein & Neville Longbottom.
location: Hogsmeade, The Three Broomsticks.
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: Neville has a proposition for Anthony.
status: Complete.

And if there was anything they needed now, it was security in numbers... )


Date: October 18th, 1997.
Characters: Hannah Abbott & Neville Longbottom
Location: A cafe in Hogsmeade.
Private/semi-private/public: Private.
Summary: Neville needs food and Hannah accompanies him.
Status: Finished.

Neville felt like a little man of business... )


Date: October 14th, 1997.
Characters: Patricia Stimpson and Kenneth Towler.
Location: Pet's flat.
Private/semi-private/public: Private.
Summary: Kenneth nearly forgets their one month mark, but then doesn't!
Status: Beginning.

somewhere in her smile, she knows )

Feb. 18th, 2009


date: 15 October 1997
characters: Pansy Parkinson & Padma Patil
location: Hogwarts.
private/semi-private/public: Semi-Private.
summary: Padma has misplaced her notebook and is very unhappy about it.
status: Beginning.

She considered it indulgent to use more than one of the fragrant soaps, even, in the Prefect's bathroom... )

Feb. 17th, 2009


Date: 15 October 1997
Characters: Megan, Hannah, Susan and Kinsey
Location: Seventh Year Hufflepuff Girls Dormitory
Private/semi-private/public: Private to those invited.
Summary: Did someone say Power Puff Girls?
Status: Beginning


Date: 14 October 1997
Characters: Theodore Nott, Megan Jones, also Open
Location: Transfiguration
Private/semi-private/public: Public
Summary: Conjuring inanimate objects begins
Status: Beginning

Inanimus Conjurus in practical application was much more complicated than the basic theory lessons they had had their O.W.L. year. )

Feb. 16th, 2009


Date: 15 October 1997
Characters: Anthony Goldstein and Ernie Macmillan
Location: The Great Hall
Private/semi-private/public: Semi-private
Summary: A game of Wizarding Chess and laced with otherwise manly conversation
Status: Beginning


Date: October 12th, afternoon
Characters: Kinsey Bundy, Seamus Finnegan
Location: The Pitch
Private/semi-private/public: Semi-private
Summary: A bit of flying and flirting... and kissing.
Status: Complete

No ordinary wings I'll need, the sky itself will carry me back to you )

Feb. 15th, 2009


Date: October 15th, 1997.
Characters: Oliver Wood, Alicia Spinnet
Location: respective
Private/semi-private/public: Private
Summary: Oliver sends an owl
Status: Beginning.


Last time we were together you said something about wanting to wear me out?  I'm ready when you are.  

Or we could always just do pizza and beer.



date: 9th October 1997 BACKDATED
characters: Eddie Carmichael, Alicia Spinnet
location:  Pet's flat.
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: Eddie wakes up
Status: Beginning.


Grabbing a bite

Date: 11 October 1997
Characters: Ann Perks, Padma Patil
Location: Hogwarts, the Great Hall
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Public (for anyone at Hogwarts at least)
Summary: Anna is semi by herself during lunch, food time is now.
Status: Beginning

Her lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies!-- )


Date: October 11th, 1997.
Characters: Marcus Flint, Ann Perks
Location: Skies
Private/semi-private/public: Private
Summary: Flint goes to work and decides to work. How very domestic of him
Status: Beginning.

Feb. 14th, 2009


Date: October 13th, 1997.
Characters: Megan Jones and anyone who wants to get trapped inside.
Location: Empty Classroom on the main level that someone has charmed to lock from the outside.
Private/semi-private/public: Public
Summary: Megan gets accidently pranked and gets to know another victim better.
Status: Beginning.

Feb. 12th, 2009


package for padma!

Date: 12 October 1997.
Characters: Hannah Abbott & Padma Patil
Location: Ravenclaw
Private/semi-private/public: Semi-private.
Summary: Hannah wants to cheer Padma up after their DADA experience.

package )

Feb. 13th, 2009


Date: October 12th, 1997.
Characters: Theodore Nott and Morag MacDougal.
Location: Astronomy tower.
Private/semi-private/public: Semi-private.
Summary: Staying out late after Astronomy.
Status: Complete.

particularly intriguing star clusters. )

Feb. 12th, 2009


Date: October 12, 1997
Characters: Asteria Greengrass, Serafina Capper and any other fellow Slytherins.
Location: Hogwarts
Private/semi-private/public: Public
Summary: Slytherin common room.
Status: Complete.

A little more than a month into the school year and she already felt overwhelmed by all the work. )


Date: 9 October 1997
Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Ginny Weasley
Location: McGonagall's Office, Hogwarts
Private/Semi-Private/Public Private
Summary: Ginny serves out (another) detention
Status: complete.

Feb. 11th, 2009


Date: 9 October 1997
Characters: Angelina Johnson & open.
Location: Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Public
Summary: Angelina's very, very bored.
Status: Incomplete.

Maybe she should just quit. )

Feb. 10th, 2009


date: 8 October 1997
characters: Eddie Carmichael, Alicia Spinnet, Patricia Stimpson, Kenneth Towler.
location: Eddie's flat, Alicia's flat, & Pet's flat.
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: The moon was shining sulkily...
Status: Beginning.

Because she thought the sun/Had got no business to be there... )


date: 7 October, 1997
characters: Patricia & Percy
location: Ministry of Magic
private/semi-private/public: Private
summary: Patricia seeks an audience with the only person she knows at the Ministry
status: incomplete

Oh the times, how they have changed us )


date: 7 October 1991
characters: Anthony Goldstein & Padma Patil
location: Hogwarts
private/semi-private/public: Private.
summary: An unintentional stroll around the lake.
status: Complete.

Sealing the letter with her wand and a sigh that expelled at least the last of that evening's worry... )


hannah + open thread

Date: 10 October 1991
Characters: Hannah Abbott & Open
Location: Corridors
Private/semi-private/public: Public
Summary: Hannah's taking extra rounds "just in case."

making the rounds... )


date: 1 October 1997
characters: Seamus Finnegan & Neville Longbottom
location: Hogwarts, Gryffindor tower.
private/semi-private/public: Semi-private.
summary: After a harrowing DADA class, Seamus and Neville skip lunch.
Status: Beginning.

Divide and conquer... )


Date: October 6th, 1997
Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
Location: Malfoy Manor/Hogwarts
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Private
Summary: Narcissa writes to Draco and tries to keep her worry out of the content.
Status: Beginning

To my Darling Draco... )

Feb. 9th, 2009


Date: October 6th, 1997
Characters: Patricia Stimpson, Alicia Spinnet
Location: Pet's flat
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Private
Summary: The best thing about best friends is that they're there in the worst of times
Status: Beginning

And this certainly is one of them )


Date: October 6, 1997
Characters: Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, a Gryffindor of younger years, Lavender Brown, anyone in the general vicinities too, I suppose!
Location: The Slytherin Common Room, Outside the Gryffindor Common Room
Private/Semi-private/Public: Semi-Public
Summary: Spreading rumours is an ugly habit
Status: Beginning

So, I hear you have a crush on my boyfriend? )

Feb. 10th, 2009


Date: October 6th, 1997.
Characters: Diana Stimpson, Patricia Stimpson, Richard Stimpson.
Location: Various.
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Private.
Summary: Diana has some news for Patricia, and invites her daughter home for dinner.
Status: Complete.

Owl post. )

Feb. 9th, 2009


Date: October 6, 1997
Characters: Verity Jacobs, Marcus Flint
Location: Hogs Head
Summary: Verity and Marcus get food. Because it's what he does.
Status: Beginning

So tell me )


Date: October 6, 1997
Characters: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and maybe Hermione Granger later on?
Location: Somewhere in the woods of the Wizarding UK.
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Private
Summary: Thanks to the locket, Ron has bad dreams.
Status: Beginning

Hermione laughed, a bright sharp sound that cut Ron in half. )

Feb. 8th, 2009


Date: 5 October 1997
Characters: Ernie Macmillan and Luna Lovegood
Location: Various.
Private/Semi-private/Public: Semi-Private
Summary: Ernie is studying in the library when...
Status: Complete.

Or perhaps he should just call it DA, but then that would sully the good imagery he associated with those initials. )

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