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November 30th, 2008

[info]hg_harry in [info]hallowed_ground

A Chapter Ends, Another Begins.

Date: 27 July, 1997
Characters: Harry Potter
Location: Dursley Residence, Privet Drive, Surrey
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Private
Summary: Harry sees one phase of life end, and another begins.
Status: Complete
Tags: * complete, harry potter
Note: Parts of this post are quoted from "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," by JK Rowling, who owns the characters and situations herein. Yeay, her!

The Dursleys were gone, and Harry was finally on his own. )

[info]hg_harry in [info]hallowed_ground

The Great Escape

Date: 27 July, 1997
Characters: Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Mad-Eye Moody, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Tonks, Remus Lupin, Fleur Delacoeur, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mundungus Fletcher, Various Death Eaters, Stan Shunpike (Imperiused), Severus Snape, Voldemort
Location: Dursley Residence, Privet Drive, Surrey and various airborne points above Britain.
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Semi-Private
Summary: "All righ', Harry? Ready fer the off?"
Status: Beginning
Tags: Harry Potter, add as you enter!
Note: Parts of this post are quoted from "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," by JK Rowling, who owns the characters and situations herein. Yeay, her!

The Magnificent Seven.... Potters )

[info]hg_katie in [info]hallowed_ground

Date: 27 July, 1997.
Characters: Katie Bell, Oliver Wood
Location: Various.
Private/Semi-Private/Public: Private.
Summary: Oliver gives Katie an offer she can't refuse.
Status: Beginning.