May. 30th, 2013


Silly meme time!

Some of you might remember this from a past game. I felt it was just too priceless not to do an Accio Goblet version.

If you're in the mood for a little silliness, go to a My Little Pony Generator (beta version or full version) and try to make a pony version of your characters. Save the picture and share it here!

As an example, here's a certain Ravenclaw: Oops? )
I'll try to add the others soon.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Julie has just found these and linked me to them, and because I know they're bound to amuse some of you, I decided to post them here. For your enjoyment, have nine gifs of Penn Badgley sporting what I like to call "the Hamish hair": Cut! )

Mar. 21st, 2013


Hey everybody! Patricia here with yet another character, this time hailing from my neck of the woods.

This is Tiago Delgado, Portuguese-born Beauxbatons student, also known as the boy who "stole" Parvati away from Harry at the Yule Ball (not that he really minded). He's from the same class as Rémy and Valentina and was Seeker for the Fauconnets (Henri's team) back at Beauxbatons, so most of the French delegation was probably familiar with him even before they left for Hogwarts. He's overall a really nice guy, a bit of a jock, and known to smoke "certain substances", though he's lucky he was never caught. Madam Maxime probably tried to make sure he didn't bring any with him, but failed - but how he managed that, he'll never tell...

For more on Tiago, you can check his bio here. So? Friends, acquaintances, people who dislike him because of certain hobbies? Throw me your plots and ideas!

Mar. 7th, 2013


As you can see from Cormac's latest entry, his kid brother has managed to steal his journal and is having some fun with it. The reference to French girls comes from the fact the McLaggens were entertaining guests in the summer, and Cormac took advantage of it (in spite of more attempts by Declan to spoil his fun).

Needless to say, Cormac won't be a happy camper when he finds out. Feel free to have your characters react to the post in any way you wish.

PS: And it might amuse you to know that Cormac will eventually get even. Of course, it will take him seven years, but still.

Jan. 10th, 2013


Hey everybody, Patricia here with a new character. After an enormous amount of time struggling with a Beauxbatons muse, said struggle ended up producing a fourth Hogwarts kid. Go figure.

Anyway, this here is Zoe Wagtail, fifth year Hufflepuff prefect, and queen of all. Petite and girly, she looks and acts cute and sweet, but cross her at her own peril. Hers is a fiery temper, and it's only her attachment to her shiny new badge that stops her from following the Alastor Moody School of Punishment - that, and not knowing how to turn humans into ferrets yet.

And before you ask yes, she's the younger sister of the Weird Sisters' lead singer Myron Wagtail. They're complete opposites both in looks and personality, but they're still very close, though he drives her crazy with his overprotectiveness, as he fears that she might end up with someone like... well, like him. (Ew, she says.) His wish to look after her is such that he even made Orsino and Merton (the two Sisters who are still at school) promise to keep an eye on her - though I'll leave to whomever picks them whether they keep their promise or not. Zoe is outraged at this, but decided that the best way to deal with Myron is not not bother too much about boys and dating - with her OWLs and her prefect duties and all the excitement over the Tournament, she just doesn't have the time or patience to be rebellious. Because of this, feel free to have had your male character(s) ask her to the Ball; she would have said no regardless of her opinion of him.

Anyway, for more on Zoe go here. And please, feel free to hit me with any plots or ideas you might have!

Dec. 17th, 2012


Julie dared me to post this here. (Okay, so it might have been my idea in the first place, but she was the enabler. *halo*)

Anyway, for your enjoyment, and to follow up on recent events for Samir and Rémy, have their PBs in a similar situation:

(By the way, that girl is "The Gaymaker" because, in the previous season, this happened.)

And this gives me an idea for a meme. What about links to clips and pictures of our PBs meeting? If you can think of any, feel free to share!

Nov. 13th, 2012


Badge Day!

Today people will start wearing the "Support Cedric Diggory" badges. So the question is: who is wearing them?

In my case, Cormac thinks anyone wearing those badges is a moron, Hamish is interested until he learns of the "Potter stinks!" extra, and Samir is feeling very tempted because, well, Cedric IS the real champion.

It's also day of the Weighing of the Wands, which means the champions will be called from their first afternoon class (if they have said class, obviously) in order to be questioned by Ollivander and pestered by Rita Skeeter. Fun times.

Nov. 6th, 2012


This morning, Snape will interrupt sixth years Charms and ask Cassius Warrington and Hamish Fraser to pack their things and follow him. He won't say anything more, but the nod he gives to Flitwick (they're the twins' heads of house, remember) will show to anyone in the room that this is something they were both expecting. Cass and Hamish won't show up for lunch or for their other Tuesday class (double Transfiguration at 1pm) and any housemate who goes to their dorms will notice that a considerable amount of stuff is missing from their spots, as if they had packed in a hurry. If anyone is playing a character who has a free period at 9am, feel free to have them witnessing the twins being escorted to the school gates by Snape.

Those close to Cass and/or Hamish will easily guess the reason why they left school grounds in such a hurry, and why they had to go to Hogsmeade to reach their destination rather than use floo powder: their mother is having her baby, and since the Warrington-Fraser household is still waiting to have their fireplace connected to the floo network the boys will need to catch the Knight Bus at Hogsmeade to reach Inverness. Thankfully it's a quick trip, so they won't have to endure much of Ern's driving. Hamish at least remembered to pack his journal, so once they have news - and their nerves have settled - they'll post something.

Edit: Oh, and they'll be gone for the rest of the week and come back on Sunday.

Sep. 12th, 2012


Hey, everybody! Patricia here with character #3, Samir Karim!

A sixth year Hufflepuff, Samir is a Muggle-born (the only muggle-born in game so far, really) of Egyptian descent, born and raised in West London. He's currently living with the Dunstans, though, as his conservative parents kicked him out after he told them he's gay. He's a really sweet guy, adorable, cuddly, artistically inclined, very loud and energetic (though in a different level from his friend Barney) and rather touchy-feely. If he sees you as a friend beware, as his arm will end up around your shoulders sooner or later. You can find more about Samir here.

Sooo, friends? Homophobes? Bloodists? People with sensitive ears? Anyone who still remembers (and laughs) of his inability to sit on a broomstick during flying lessons? Anyone who just wants a BIG hug? Give me your plots!

Aug. 13th, 2012


Hi, everybody! Patricia here again - this time not to bring you modly stuff but to introduce myself and my two characters.

I'm Portuguese, a bookworm, and a Doctor Who fanatic. You can contact me at patricia[dot]esteves[at]gmail[dot]com (no aim, I'm afraid - it hates me with a passion and refuses to work for me) and my CDJ is at [info]nentari but beware - enter at your own risk. And, of course, there's the mod email.

As for my characters, this here is Cormac McLaggen. You probably think you know all about him - loud, arrogant, obnoxious, bossy, rude, stubborn as hell, and willing to do anything if dared, no matter how stupid. Well, while all those things are actually true, there's also another side to him. He's very loyal and protective of his friends, for example, so if you're able to put up with his constant need to talk about his favourite subject (himself) you'll gain a friend who will be willing to take a hex for you. You'll also gain access to free booze, as his uncle Tiberius owns the Firewhiskey company and as a result he is able to smuggle bottles into the school, which he'll share to people he likes (as long as he knows they're not likely to get him into trouble, obviously). Although he comes from a very old pureblood family that tends to look down on muggle-borns, Cormac himself is aware that blood purity is stupid and is trying to ruffle his parents' feathers by going against "the McLaggen way" but getting his hair ruffled and hearing chuckles about "the silliness of youth" as response. Oh yes, and although he's a bit handsy when it comes to girls, he does have female friends he treats with respect, though that's mainly because in his eyes they become "one of the boys". You can check his bio here.

Character number two is Hamish Fraser ([info]notahamster), sixth year and Keeper for the Ravenclaw team. He's the identical twin of Cassius Warrington from Slytherin (who will hopefully join us soon), but it's pretty easy to tell them apart in both looks and personality. In Hamish's case, he grew up in a muggle farm near Loch Ness, has a really thick Scottish accent, with a tendency to slip in some words in Gaelic and Scots here and there, and a penchant for wearing kilts. He's not your typical Ravenclaw, as he's really terrible in theory classes, and is known for falling asleep whenever he needs to spend some time in the library. You might hear rumours that he got a T in his History of Magic OWL, which he'll be quick to tell you is a downright lie - it was a D! He's pretty good at practical stuff, though, to the point that he got an O in Potions. Of course, the fact Snape favours him for his ties to the Warrington family might have helped as well. He's also really shy and awkward when it comes to girls, and tends to react to female flirtiness with considerable panic - and the more interested they'll seem to be, the more panicky he'll become. You can check his bio here.

Anyway, let me know how you think our characters will interact with each other. Plot ideas are always welcome!