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Jul. 13th, 2013


Accio Goblet has come to an end. Once again, I wish to thank everybody who made this game possible.

you all!

Jun. 29th, 2013


With everybody leaving Hogwarts today, the plot of Goblet of Fire comes to an end - and, as a result, so does the plot for Accio Goblet.

The game does not end today, however. You have two more weeks (until the 12th of July, to be more specific) to have your character write anything else you feel he or she still needs to say about the events that happened between the end of the school year and the dementor attack in Little Whinging. Daily Prophet campaign against Harry and Dumbledore, mourning for Cedric, Ministry connections, or anything else you want. Or, if you prefer, you can tell us all about what your character did in the following years, rather than just this summer.

As a point of reference, I should mention that the delegations of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons returned to their schools, where the rest of the staff and students had waited a few days longer to celebrate their return. In Beauxbatons, Madame Maxime retold the recent events to the whole school and declared her full support of Dumbledore's words. As for Durmstrang, well, as you all know Karkaroff ran away after the Third Task, so it fell upon the students from the delegation to nominate a spokesperson to do the same thing.

Anyone who wishes to carry on playing their characters (or, alternatively, play a different character(s) but with this wonderful group of players), you can check out Felix Felicis, a postwarts PSL set in 2003. Several Accio Goblet characters are already ageing up eight years and starting their transition, so come and join us!

And although there's still two weeks to go, let me give a huge THANK YOU to everybody who was involved in this game. You are all fantastic! ♥

Jun. 15th, 2013


They would make kind of a cute couple )

May. 30th, 2013


Silly meme time!

Some of you might remember this from a past game. I felt it was just too priceless not to do an Accio Goblet version.

If you're in the mood for a little silliness, go to a My Little Pony Generator (beta version or full version) and try to make a pony version of your characters. Save the picture and share it here!

As an example, here's a certain Ravenclaw: Oops? )
I'll try to add the others soon.

May. 16th, 2013


Writing Zoe's latest post has reminded me that, although the dates for the OWLs and NEWTs will be indicated on the next plot post, it might be helpful for your characters if you already have them at hand. At this point, the students would have been informed of the dates of their exams by the professors, and the information would also be posted on the common rooms' noticeboards as a reminder.

The dates. )

As a small note, with the exception of the Astronomy exam (date TBA because I only now realized it's missing from my notes *bows head in shame*) the theoretical side of the exams will take place in the mornings (NEWTs at 8 o'clock, OWLs at 10) with the practical side in the afternoons at specific places. Beauxbatons students will only take the practical side of their NEWTs because of the way their Theoretiques and Practiques work, while those from Durmstrang will do the lot. Also, sixth years have no exams and will have their classes as usual, with occasional free periods when a teacher's class clashes with the scheduling of an exam.

Any questions or suggestions? This list can still be changed if necessary (as can Zoe's mention of the first OWL in her post), though you should keep in mind that the final day of exams is also the day of the Third Task, and so nothing can happen beyond that date.

Apr. 30th, 2013


Last call for the April Activity Check! There's still 7 2 characters who need to confirm their presence - so go check out the list and see if it's one of yours.

Apr. 26th, 2013


Heather has decided to drop Vicky and Anzelm, so run the button. Don't worry, though, she's still around with Anais, Larissa and Leon.

And don't forget to leave a comment in this month's activity check. This is going to be the last activity post for the game, by the way.

Apr. 8th, 2013


Run the button.

Sadly, Crystal was forced to leave the game for RL reasons. We wish you all the best and hope everything will be all right. *hugs*

Apr. 7th, 2013


Monday morning - Leon

Hello everyone! For those who haven't seen/have forgotten his special mention on the April plot post, tomorrow is Leon's big day. In case anyone wants their character to be a witness to this/react to it/react to what anyone has said, here is what happens:

* Leon will have been noticeably quieter than usual and rather fidgety all weekend. Ravenclaws especially will have seen him pacing everywhere in the tower/common room, and prefects may have noted that he has looked sterner than usual on patrols.

* Tomorrow / Monday morning at breakfast, he'll barely say a word to anyone who isn't aware of what he's thinking about - even Natasha and Luke will probably struggle to get more than the odd noise to signify the affirmative/negative.

* When the post comes, he'll jump back from the bench to look for a particular owl - sorry to anyone sitting near him whom he jolts in the process - and when one in particular lands on his shoulder, he's going to grab the letter so fast that the bird stays sitting on him, looking confused as to how that happened so fast.

* Holding the parchment so tight he nearly rips it in two, he'll find what he's looking for - confirmation that he has been accepted into WADA and will begin his training in September 1995 - and whoop so loudly that anyone coming in late from the Entrance Hall will probably still hear him. At this point, he's going to run FAST out of the Great Hall and go for a celebratory lap of the castle - anyone who sees him will see him running in Muppet fashion, flailing arms and legs and all.

* Anyone remaining in the Great Hall who has no clue what just happened may refer to his fellow Ravenclaws to see if they have any idea - but of course, it is up to them whether or not they disclose anything! Ravenclaws and Drama Club are most likely to remember WTF is up with this guy, especially if they were roped into watching him practice before auditions.

* 7th year Charms students will note that he arrives in class visibly late (class is first thing in the morning). It is up to them whether or not they inform Professor Flitwick of Leon's earlier displays of bizarre behaviour, or the causes behind it. Leon will enter approximately 10 minutes after the class starts, apologise meekly for his lateness and quietly tell Prof Flitwick why he didn't arrive on time. Professor Flitwick, as well as being Leon's choirmaster, was one of his reference writers as he is his head of house, so he will forgive him for his bizarre antics.

IC/OOC discussion/reactions below :)

Apr. 6th, 2013


Another meme!

Another meme! Sorry it's so close to the last one. I was thinking about this the other day as I realised I still listen to songs from the [info]may02 soundtrack. Then this morning IJ was down so I was pratting about on youtube...

OKAY. Post a comment with your character's name as the title. If you have a song that reminds you of this character, or you can think of one that fits them pretty well, then post a link to it in the comment. Everyone else, if you have songs that you think fit that character, post them as comments to the comment.

I'll start.
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Apr. 3rd, 2013


so talking to Patricia gave me this idea for a little meme we could all do as a bit of fun outside of game stuff.

We all probably wish that becoming an animagus was easier than what it is and that just a wave of our wands would make us take animal form. What if it was that easy?
So your character[s] suddenly decided they want to be as awesome as the Marauders and become animagi.

The question is... what form do they take and why?

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Julie has just found these and linked me to them, and because I know they're bound to amuse some of you, I decided to post them here. For your enjoyment, have nine gifs of Penn Badgley sporting what I like to call "the Hamish hair": Cut! )

Apr. 1st, 2013


Hi everyone! So I'm Taryn and I bring with me Mr. Henry Latimer, family man and aspiring broommaker. He's a seventh year prefect who played Quidditch in his fourth, fifth and sixth years. He's super friendly and has an open, big heart. He hates seeing people lonely and tries to make everyone feel included. He's every muggle health teacher's dream student basically. :P

I'm so happy to be here and I'm excited to start playing Henry. BRING IT!
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Run the button and please join me in welcoming Taryn, who brings us Henry Latimer ([info]latimers)!

Sadly, we have also lost Netty and Mikell in the latest activity check.

Mar. 30th, 2013


Last call for the March Activity Check! There's still 8 6 3 characters who need to confirm their presence - so go check out the list and see if it's one of yours.

Mar. 26th, 2013


HE'S FINALLY HERE YAAAAAAAAY! *runs around excitedly with flaily arms*

Yes, I finallyfinally finished Kenneth's app!

So yes, Julie has another character woo! I feel sorry for Allegra she has to be stuck in my head with 3 boys now...

Anyway this here is Kenneth Towler. He's a muggleborn, he's in Gryffindor and he's in his sixth year.... which means sharing a dorm with the lovely Wealsey Twins and Lee Jordan. It's definitely not a bad thing, it means life is interesting though... and that he has to keep an eye on his clothes and anything else, lest there's another bulbadox powder incident. He might seem like a serious/quiet guy, but he does have a sense of humour and knows what the meaning of fun is (and no it doesn't involve bulbadox powder, Fred and George). He doesn't exactly have a good time at home which is why Kenneth is always seen around the castle during holidays, except summer obviously.
Oh! He's a Prefect and he's also a member of the Drama Club.

Anything else you want to know can be found here... or you can ask.

So friends, enemies, aquaintances, fellow prefects, random people from other houses and other interpersonal relationship types... comment away! :)

- Julie
(Allegra, Cassius, Rémy & Kenneth)
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Julie adds Kenneth Towler ([info]bulbadoxed) to the game, so... run it!

Mar. 23rd, 2013


We've lost Becca, so... run the button.

Mar. 21st, 2013


Hey everybody! Patricia here with yet another character, this time hailing from my neck of the woods.

This is Tiago Delgado, Portuguese-born Beauxbatons student, also known as the boy who "stole" Parvati away from Harry at the Yule Ball (not that he really minded). He's from the same class as Rémy and Valentina and was Seeker for the Fauconnets (Henri's team) back at Beauxbatons, so most of the French delegation was probably familiar with him even before they left for Hogwarts. He's overall a really nice guy, a bit of a jock, and known to smoke "certain substances", though he's lucky he was never caught. Madam Maxime probably tried to make sure he didn't bring any with him, but failed - but how he managed that, he'll never tell...

For more on Tiago, you can check his bio here. So? Friends, acquaintances, people who dislike him because of certain hobbies? Throw me your plots and ideas!


And run the button once again, as yours truly adds to the game Tiago Delgado ([info]surfistinha)!

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