Jun. 29th, 2013


With everybody leaving Hogwarts today, the plot of Goblet of Fire comes to an end - and, as a result, so does the plot for Accio Goblet.

The game does not end today, however. You have two more weeks (until the 12th of July, to be more specific) to have your character write anything else you feel he or she still needs to say about the events that happened between the end of the school year and the dementor attack in Little Whinging. Daily Prophet campaign against Harry and Dumbledore, mourning for Cedric, Ministry connections, or anything else you want. Or, if you prefer, you can tell us all about what your character did in the following years, rather than just this summer.

As a point of reference, I should mention that the delegations of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons returned to their schools, where the rest of the staff and students had waited a few days longer to celebrate their return. In Beauxbatons, Madame Maxime retold the recent events to the whole school and declared her full support of Dumbledore's words. As for Durmstrang, well, as you all know Karkaroff ran away after the Third Task, so it fell upon the students from the delegation to nominate a spokesperson to do the same thing.

Anyone who wishes to carry on playing their characters (or, alternatively, play a different character(s) but with this wonderful group of players), you can check out Felix Felicis, a postwarts PSL set in 2003. Several Accio Goblet characters are already ageing up eight years and starting their transition, so come and join us!

And although there's still two weeks to go, let me give a huge THANK YOU to everybody who was involved in this game. You are all fantastic! ♥

May. 16th, 2013


Writing Zoe's latest post has reminded me that, although the dates for the OWLs and NEWTs will be indicated on the next plot post, it might be helpful for your characters if you already have them at hand. At this point, the students would have been informed of the dates of their exams by the professors, and the information would also be posted on the common rooms' noticeboards as a reminder.

The dates. )

As a small note, with the exception of the Astronomy exam (date TBA because I only now realized it's missing from my notes *bows head in shame*) the theoretical side of the exams will take place in the mornings (NEWTs at 8 o'clock, OWLs at 10) with the practical side in the afternoons at specific places. Beauxbatons students will only take the practical side of their NEWTs because of the way their Theoretiques and Practiques work, while those from Durmstrang will do the lot. Also, sixth years have no exams and will have their classes as usual, with occasional free periods when a teacher's class clashes with the scheduling of an exam.

Any questions or suggestions? This list can still be changed if necessary (as can Zoe's mention of the first OWL in her post), though you should keep in mind that the final day of exams is also the day of the Third Task, and so nothing can happen beyond that date.

Apr. 7th, 2013


Monday morning - Leon

Hello everyone! For those who haven't seen/have forgotten his special mention on the April plot post, tomorrow is Leon's big day. In case anyone wants their character to be a witness to this/react to it/react to what anyone has said, here is what happens:

* Leon will have been noticeably quieter than usual and rather fidgety all weekend. Ravenclaws especially will have seen him pacing everywhere in the tower/common room, and prefects may have noted that he has looked sterner than usual on patrols.

* Tomorrow / Monday morning at breakfast, he'll barely say a word to anyone who isn't aware of what he's thinking about - even Natasha and Luke will probably struggle to get more than the odd noise to signify the affirmative/negative.

* When the post comes, he'll jump back from the bench to look for a particular owl - sorry to anyone sitting near him whom he jolts in the process - and when one in particular lands on his shoulder, he's going to grab the letter so fast that the bird stays sitting on him, looking confused as to how that happened so fast.

* Holding the parchment so tight he nearly rips it in two, he'll find what he's looking for - confirmation that he has been accepted into WADA and will begin his training in September 1995 - and whoop so loudly that anyone coming in late from the Entrance Hall will probably still hear him. At this point, he's going to run FAST out of the Great Hall and go for a celebratory lap of the castle - anyone who sees him will see him running in Muppet fashion, flailing arms and legs and all.

* Anyone remaining in the Great Hall who has no clue what just happened may refer to his fellow Ravenclaws to see if they have any idea - but of course, it is up to them whether or not they disclose anything! Ravenclaws and Drama Club are most likely to remember WTF is up with this guy, especially if they were roped into watching him practice before auditions.

* 7th year Charms students will note that he arrives in class visibly late (class is first thing in the morning). It is up to them whether or not they inform Professor Flitwick of Leon's earlier displays of bizarre behaviour, or the causes behind it. Leon will enter approximately 10 minutes after the class starts, apologise meekly for his lateness and quietly tell Prof Flitwick why he didn't arrive on time. Professor Flitwick, as well as being Leon's choirmaster, was one of his reference writers as he is his head of house, so he will forgive him for his bizarre antics.

IC/OOC discussion/reactions below :)

Mar. 7th, 2013


As you can see from Cormac's latest entry, his kid brother has managed to steal his journal and is having some fun with it. The reference to French girls comes from the fact the McLaggens were entertaining guests in the summer, and Cormac took advantage of it (in spite of more attempts by Declan to spoil his fun).

Needless to say, Cormac won't be a happy camper when he finds out. Feel free to have your characters react to the post in any way you wish.

PS: And it might amuse you to know that Cormac will eventually get even. Of course, it will take him seven years, but still.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Readers of Witch Weekly – if they weren't too distracted by Rita Skeeter's article ;) – may have noticed a full-page ad for Draklær's spring collection in this week's issue. Keen-eyed readers (especially those into fashion) will notice that the model in the photo is not Ingvardine as, obviously, she was at Hogwarts this Christmas and wasn't available for the shoot back in Oslo.

The girl in the photo is her older cousin, Margrete Nilsen (PB: Spencer Grammer, haha) although this isn't stated anywhere – but it's clear she's a Nilsen.

Needless to say, Ingvardine is not happy. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. :( Durmstrang peeps will be aware that she's in a foul mood... Sorry!

Jan. 29th, 2013


Yeah... I don't even know. I tried to write a third person thing for Yakov to fulfil his activity requirement this month, and he was annoying me bring all gloomy so I shoved him in the lake. If your character wants to have done it, go for it. Otherwise I'll assume it was some npc who never comes forward.

Jan. 28th, 2013


so when it comes to posting as my characters i'm fine when i've got plot or some idea in mind, but can't just keep a character going just by that - it'd get a little staid after all. so that's where 'small talk' (like Hamish's latest post, as an example) posts come in... only problem is that sort of post is where i tend to utterly fail. especially when it comes to having a character, like Cassius here, who isn't really the talkative sort.

so my first question/request is if anyone wants to have some plot happening with the more handsome Warrington-Fraser twin (or if you just have any ideas)? XD

and secondly, if you face similar problems of not being able to do 'small talk' posts what is it you do to get a post out?

Jan. 22nd, 2013


I thought I ought to give you all a heads up that I'm about to change Allegra's icons to a new set of Bella Heathcote icons. Now you're thinking "she doesn't need to tell us this", well I do really - mostly because of the fact that instead of the usual long curly/wavy hair that she has now, her new icons will show dead straight hair with bangs.

anyway as a sort of explaination, Allegra got it into her head during Hogsmeade Weekend (after this happened) that apparently it was time for a change and went and got her hair done. and considering it a rather drastic change, I'm sure her friends would've noticed.

also speaking of that chat with Cormac, Allegra would've been rather withdrawn and quiet and trying her best to avoid questions of 'are you okay?' and the like. i say this mostly because when i try to do backdate entries myself i get rather confused in the grand scheme of things.

...i'll try and shut up now.

- julie

edit: all the icons changed now. :) if you'd like you can see them here.

Jan. 2nd, 2013


As you can see from the latest notification, Apparition lessons will start on February. Sixth years from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons and seventh years from Durmstrang are eligible to attend, as are any seventh years from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons who were too young to get their licence last year - though in the case of Hogwarts students, they could have still attended the classes last year and take a later exam if they so wished.

Also, regarding Rita Skeeter's latest article, I would like to remind you that the wizarding world is almost as prejudiced about giants as they are about werewolves. For that reason, for the most part, it will make sense for only Gryffindors and some muggle-borns/muggle-raised to speak in defence of Hagrid - the former because Hagrid is theirs, and the latter because they're not as aware of how bad giants are. Well, possibly some Beauxbatons folk can too, for obvious reasons, depending on whether they buy Madam Maxime's "I've got big bones" excuse or not.

Dec. 8th, 2012


Someone needs to comment to Yakov asking him if dreidel is a euphemism for penis. Pleeeeeease. I guess I should say that although Jews make up 0.5% of the UK population, Judaism doesn't seem to have as large a profile here as it does in the US. Until I was 22, I had met a grand total of 2 Jews in my life, and knew more about Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism than Judaism. I actually learned about dreidels from watching South Park. So... other people may have different experiences based on their backgrounds but it would be totally plausible for people to not know what the hell Yakov is talking about, because I wouldn't have at that age. JUST SAYING.

Anyway, that actually wasn't what I wanted to post about. Here is Lee. He says hi, especially to the girls. I am going to do a post for him in a minute about who he is thinking of asking to the ball, but first I just wanted to say that as part of his being unable to say no to pretty girls thing, any girl who wanted to ask Lee first would get a yes. So if that is plot you want, just let me know. Also let me know if you want any of mine for anything at all :-)

Barney will ask Audrey, and presumably this will fall through at some point because of Adrian, and then he will ask Allegra.
Yakov will ask Alexa, and if she won't go, he will likely not try anyone else because he is not very confident. If anyone wants to ask him, go ahead. He will likely say yes.
Lee is open.
Mel is going to ask Cormac, but not yet. She will wait to be asked by someone and then be like WAIT I AM A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN I DON'T NEED TO WAIT FOR BOYS TO ASK ME.

Who are you asking to the ball?

Dec. 6th, 2012


A word on the Yule Ball.

Today, the students will find out about the Yule Ball. Unlike with previous events, this announcement will be made by the heads of houses/foreign schools - which, in the case of Slytherin and Durmstrang, is bound to be interesting, I'm sure.

So that you can remember the basic information on the Ball, I give you a direct quote of McGonagall's explanation to the fourth year Gryffs: Under the cut. )
After the announcement, the four champions will be called aside and told that they're meant to open the ball - which means that going stag is not an option for them.

I should also add, due to some people asking about it recently, that while the foreign students have to spend Christmas at Hogwarts due to transportation matters, attendance to the Yule Ball by Hogwarts students (or, indeed, having to spend the holidays in the castle) is not mandatory, even if the mention of the dress robes to the supplies list seems to suggest otherwise. This quote (by Molly Weasley in chapter 5) gives the impression that older students are free to go home if they so wish: "I'd invite you for Christmas, but... well, I expect you're all going to want to stay at Hogwarts, what with... one thing and another."

Like Molly, I expect most students will want to stay at Hogwarts to enjoy the festivities, but if your character is not the partying type or sees no reason to stay, they are free to catch the Hogwarts Express with the younger years. This doesn't mean that a certain long-haired Scot is off the hook, though...

Dec. 2nd, 2012


...the icon seems oddly appropriate to use. o.O

okay so I know alison is aware of the situation... mostly cause she's had two of her characters comment. but I figured i'd post this note here so that any one else in their houses and those who are aware that Cormac and Allegra are close friends, are aware of said situation.

so with the first task, Allegra was naturally super-worried (ie: FREAKING OUT!) about her cousin Cedric, even after the event and knowing that he was going to be okay. everyone was pretty okay about it... except y'know Cormac who just had to go and be an arse about it. it got to the point where Allegra was that upset that she said she doesn't want to talk to Cormac anymore. [Evidence here]

as consequence, she hasn't talked to him since and prolly won't for a while, so any friends or whatever are bound to notice something is up. especially since Allegra is particularly mopish, since for the longest time she's had a crush on Cormac but never told him, so she's got all these conflicting feelings...

and um yeah... since i'm not the best person when it comes to explaining (i tend to ramble), feel free to ask any questions if you want something clarified.

Nov. 21st, 2012


So, if you've recently read this month's plot post, you'll know that at dinner tonight, Alexandra attempted to give a note to someone (Cedric) asking him on a Hogsmeade date, but Yakov got the note instead and accepted.

Alexandra looked confused, then distressed, and finally quickly pasted on a fake smile because she doesn't want to hurt Yakov's feelings. Any takers for the person who caused the mix-up? Reactions from the Durmstrang population? Go ahead and post them here.

Nov. 13th, 2012


Badge Day!

Today people will start wearing the "Support Cedric Diggory" badges. So the question is: who is wearing them?

In my case, Cormac thinks anyone wearing those badges is a moron, Hamish is interested until he learns of the "Potter stinks!" extra, and Samir is feeling very tempted because, well, Cedric IS the real champion.

It's also day of the Weighing of the Wands, which means the champions will be called from their first afternoon class (if they have said class, obviously) in order to be questioned by Ollivander and pestered by Rita Skeeter. Fun times.

Nov. 8th, 2012


So, with everything going on in my life I only just realised that I've never done a thread. WTF.

So this has to be fixed.

Would anyone be up for a thread or I'll just chuck up an open one in a bit cause omg I don't know how I missed this. Epic fail on my part.

Nov. 6th, 2012


This morning, Snape will interrupt sixth years Charms and ask Cassius Warrington and Hamish Fraser to pack their things and follow him. He won't say anything more, but the nod he gives to Flitwick (they're the twins' heads of house, remember) will show to anyone in the room that this is something they were both expecting. Cass and Hamish won't show up for lunch or for their other Tuesday class (double Transfiguration at 1pm) and any housemate who goes to their dorms will notice that a considerable amount of stuff is missing from their spots, as if they had packed in a hurry. If anyone is playing a character who has a free period at 9am, feel free to have them witnessing the twins being escorted to the school gates by Snape.

Those close to Cass and/or Hamish will easily guess the reason why they left school grounds in such a hurry, and why they had to go to Hogsmeade to reach their destination rather than use floo powder: their mother is having her baby, and since the Warrington-Fraser household is still waiting to have their fireplace connected to the floo network the boys will need to catch the Knight Bus at Hogsmeade to reach Inverness. Thankfully it's a quick trip, so they won't have to endure much of Ern's driving. Hamish at least remembered to pack his journal, so once they have news - and their nerves have settled - they'll post something.

Edit: Oh, and they'll be gone for the rest of the week and come back on Sunday.

Oct. 30th, 2012



With Leon's post from earlier today (which should have gone up over the weekend, but I have had a number of actual idiots to deal with IRL), I thought it might be helpful to have a little timeline of what went down in The Great Egg Throwing Disaster Of 1994. That way, if your chars want to refer to it (perhaps they were witnesses or victims, in which case, comment away!), no-one is getting their wires crossed, people have specifics to refer to and everyone's happy. Hurrah!


- During the day time, a number of young Hufflepuff students were seen heading to the top of the Astronomy Tower (which, of course, they're not supposed to do unless they have a class).

- When the bell goes for break and some students are milling around outside in the general vicinity, said students start throwing eggs. Hard. Colin Creevey, being his useful self, manages to get some pictures with his camera of who got hit and the mess that was made on the ground. However, when he tries to take pictures of the egg-throwers, an egg hits the camera lens, causing slight damage to the camera.

- At this point, Leon (who had been present, though he only received an egg clipping the side of his arm) goes to check Creevey and other people who got hit are all right. He is visibly very annoyed, but can be heard telling Creevey that he won't dock points right away until he has got to the culprits to hear what they have to say for themselves.

- He then proceeds to the staff room to find Professor Sprout. He finds her, and they discuss the incident (Flitwick is also present). He tells her that he thinks he ought to take points, but because students from several houses were involved, some people got scrapes and Creevey's camera got damaged (not to mention the students being in an out of bounds area at the time), he wanted to make sure, for future reference (as this is the first point in his Head Boyship something large has happened), that any punishment was fair.

- He suggests five points per student, but after an irate Professor Sinistra has her say (and as the miscreants involved used the "it was just a joke!" defence), Professor Sprout (annoyed with students from her own house showing themselves up just before the foreign students get to Hogwarts) increases the punishment to five points per egg thrown in order to teach the students a lesson. She is also the person who issues the detentions.

All conversations were held in public places - either the corridors or grounds - so there are plenty of opportunities for your character to get involved (post-dated, naturally). Have at it!

Oct. 9th, 2012


Tonight at dinner, Fred and George and Lee are messing about with the gravy boat, pretending like Lee is scared of it, and just generally being playful and idiotic. In the course of the fun, they are going to spill gravy on the floor. When Lee gets up from the table he is going to get distracted by a pretty girl and slip on the gravy, right on his ass. He'll look like an idiot, the pretty girl will laugh at him, and he'll break his coccyx (tailbone). I think lots of people will have seen this, so feel free to post about it, or help him up to the hospital wing (any volunteers to be the pretty girl who distracts him?). He'll be in the hospital wing tonight and all day tomorrow, then will come out tomorrow night after dinner. It's quite painful, but mainly just embarrassing :-)

Aug. 28th, 2012


Stella's Birthday!

Hello lovelies,

Today (August 28th) is Stella's 16th birthday! As you may have seen from Stella and Calvin's conversation on her journal, she decided to have a birthday party. She has decided to keep on with it despite the QWC debacle because she thinks maybe people need a distraction? Stella likes distractions.

All the 6th year Puffs and Claws were invited, along with Alicia, Angelina, Katie, Vicky, the Weasley twins, Lee, Warrington (because of Hamish), Orsino, Jules (for politeness sake as he is her brother's roommate), Samantha, Demelza, Cho, and Marietta. The party will be in a rented room at venue in Wizarding London (someone creative come up with a name??) and there will be food and music and booze for those of age. Stella is not of age. She will manage to get quite tipsy anyway.

Feel free to do threads or mention it in journals or send Stella gifts, says Stella. xoxo