October 8th, 2012

[info]pretensity in [info]goblet_ooc

It's true! I have a third character! Her name is Ava Rosier and she's a Gryffindor 7th year. Things you should know about her include...
• Yes, her father was Evan Rosier the Death Eater who was killed by none other than our DADA professor. Her father was killed when she was almost four and her mother died when she was born. She was raised by her paternal grandparents.

• She's actually a halfblood, but you think she's a pureblood. Her mother, Lucia, was a Muggleborn witch from Puerto Rico who Evan met on a year of traveling after finishing school. After angering an old woman in Lucia's village, Evan was placed under a love spell to teach him the error of his ways and bigotry. He got Lucia pregnant, married her, and brought her back to England. His parents arranged for her to have a false identity as a pureblood. And then they arranged for her to take a little fall down the stairs.

• Ava loved her father and he loved her even though he went back to his Death Eating, blood purist ways after her mother died and the spell was broken. She is very freaked out by Moody's presence (and the way he keeps staring at her), but trying to ignore it.

• She's a very conflicted girl because she's been raised to think that pure blood is the only acceptable kind of blood and that her blood is lacking. Having internalized this, she is not outwardly purist but suffers from a lot of self-loathing and insecurity. As such, she is rather quiet and introspective, but if you manage to get past her walls she is funny, and dry, and very kind.

• She is expected to keep her true bloodline a secret and marry pure, otherwise her grandparents (who make no secret of hating her), will toss her out on the streets. They've been trying to set her up with men old enough to be her grandfather.

• Her best friend is Ruby Robins! If you're mean to Ruby, Ava probably doesn't like you.

• She has a crush on Jules. Yes, Jules.
Anyway, her backstory and personality are REALLY hard to summarize since the whole thing is kind of complicated and dark and crazy, so if you're interested please read her app! Housemates? Other friends? People who hate her based on her name alone? Purebloods who grew up with her? People her grandparents might try to marry her off to? HIT ME WITH YER PLOTZ.

Edit: OH! And today, October 9th, is her birthday!!