October 9th, 2012

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run the button again as Becca adds to the game her third character, Ava Rosier ([info]pretensity)!

[info]emptyprefect in [info]goblet_ooc

Samir is one lucky bastard.

...i swear i'm working on my app for Rémy. um... looking for jackson gifs counts as work, right?

*runs from Patricia who is likely waving her modly stick in my direction*

[info]accio_lee in [info]goblet_ooc

Tonight at dinner, Fred and George and Lee are messing about with the gravy boat, pretending like Lee is scared of it, and just generally being playful and idiotic. In the course of the fun, they are going to spill gravy on the floor. When Lee gets up from the table he is going to get distracted by a pretty girl and slip on the gravy, right on his ass. He'll look like an idiot, the pretty girl will laugh at him, and he'll break his coccyx (tailbone). I think lots of people will have seen this, so feel free to post about it, or help him up to the hospital wing (any volunteers to be the pretty girl who distracts him?). He'll be in the hospital wing tonight and all day tomorrow, then will come out tomorrow night after dinner. It's quite painful, but mainly just embarrassing :-)