October 7th, 2012

[info]laal in [info]goblet_ooc

lol I know I just said I was going on hiatus, but before I leave: new character! Ruby Robins, 7th year Gryffindor, Halfblood, older sister of Demelza Robins. Things about Ruby:

  • She's on track to be a Healer, but she's also really into Care of Magical Creatures, so she is kind of thinking about trying to become a magical veterinarian instead. Or she might throw her hands in the air and just be a magizoologist. Then she won't have to worry as much about her marks. She did well in OWLs but that took a lot of hard work.

  • She's a morning person, so other early-rising Gryffindors probably see her around the common room then.

  • She's a Prefect, but she doesn't take it too seriously, so she'll probably let you get away with things.

  • She's in Chess Club because she likes the sort of people who are in Chess Club, but she's actually pretty bad at chess.

  • She's completely disenchanted with Quidditch and doesn't get why it's such a big deal.

  • She's a lesbian, but she's still in the closet in that she hasn't actually come out. But she's never really shown an interest in boys, so people might have some idea (or they might think she's asexual or something). She doesn't really see the point in coming out until she's like, actually dating a girl.

  • She can be really sarcastic and a tiny bit of a misanthrope, but she's also pretty friendly.

  • She doesn't do emotions. Ever. Or at least, she doesn't like to.

She probably doesn't have that many friends, but let me know if you think your character would get along well with her! I'm kind of worried about how she'll fit in since she's the only 7th year Gryffindor, and there are few other 7th years in general, and she's not very popular, and I'm going on hiatus right after picking her up. Enemies are fine too, or whatever else you can throw at me! I'm still around today and tomorrow, so lets get some relationships figured out :D

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Yet another mod post.

Firstly, run the button, as Katie adds to the game her second character, Ruby Robins ([info]laal)!

Secondly, the club rosters have been updated at the Classes & Clubs page. Flying Club is the only new club with an established meeting time so far - I went for Saturdays since that seemed to be the preferred date when Angelina posted about it, but it can be changed to any other time if people decide a reschedule is better. As before, we'll be more than happy to reschedule. We're also open to suggestions to when the other clubs should have their meetings - weekdays at 5pm, weekends, or any other idea you might have. And as before, spots are still open for student heads on several clubs (Emily, would you want Angelina to head the Flying Club since she made all the preparations?). And since I'm bound to have missed something while organizing the rosters, if I've missed any name just let me know!

And finally, I'd like to announce that the info pages for Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are unlocked and ready for your perusal. They are yet to be linked to this journal's main page as we're hoping for some feedback from you on how clear and informative they are, as well as our take on the schools.
We're adding these pages to the game because in about a week (October 15th, to be more precise), we'll be opening holds on the foreign students, with a dozen characters (six boys and six girls) for each school. Once these holds are available, the character limit will extend to five per person - three from Hogwarts, one from Beauxbatons, and one from Durmstrang. We already have 2 ½ early holds for Beauxbatons, though, so if you want to request someone before the 15th feel free to do so! The only thing you have to keep in mind is that all foreign students need to be 17 by the time they arrive at Hogwarts, since they are all volunteers for the tournament, and also that Durmstrang will have no muggle-born students.