The Story So Far - June 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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June 23rd, 2008

What Do You Want On Your Tombstone? [Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:24 am]
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Old West: includes... slutty barmaids, gross-tasting whiskey, toothless drunks and nasty outhouses. There is a saloon of course, and a main street that a tumble weed rolls down every two minutes. The hitching post outside the saloon has some really nasty tempered horses of course, and there's a man who lurks around outside the saloon offering to measure you for a coffin, not to mentions Miss Kitty's where the price is right for a tickle in the hay.
villains: Dane, Joan
victims: Max Guthrie
heroes: Eiko, Richard
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Our Neighbors Just Don't Get Us [Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:25 am]
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TV sitcom apartment: includes.... The sitcom apartment comes with a REALLY annoying laugh track. And wacky NPC neighbors who keep coming over and making lame jokes, and acting like the battle royale going on is not happening. None of the food in the kitchen of the apartment is real, and since this is a sitcom aparment it looks like all the furnishings came from Ikea.
villains: Pete, Milo
victims: Janis
heroes: Ryan, Wes, Phil, HULK,
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Apocalypse POW! [Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:26 am]
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Post Apocalyptic Setting: includes...futuristic robots, a SNAKE that looks like LOGAN, Big Brother/Eye of Sauron thing, and because it's go BIG or go home there's all kinds of destroyed monuments all over the place. Half-Buried Statue of Liberty (you foooolllss, it was Earth all allllooonnnggg!), check, Washington monument, check, broken Eiffel Tower? Oh yeah.
villains: Charlie, Heath
victims: Ren, Elisa
heroes: Jay, Terry,
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Hi Kids! It's The Yellow Blob Show [Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:27 am]
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Children's Show set (Think Pee-Wee's playhouse): includes huge animatronic creepy creatures like a talking chair, a rainbow elephant puppet that says "Braug!" between each sentence. Crazy wild-eyed puppets. There's a a corner for "timeouts", as well as a Tickle Trunk that contains costumes for dressing up. The costumes are non-optional, people.
villains: Rosie, Jake, Jude
victims: Andi
heroes: Sarah, Bart, May, Cooper,
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