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The Story So Far

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What Do You Want On Your Tombstone? [Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:24 am]
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Old West: includes... slutty barmaids, gross-tasting whiskey, toothless drunks and nasty outhouses. There is a saloon of course, and a main street that a tumble weed rolls down every two minutes. The hitching post outside the saloon has some really nasty tempered horses of course, and there's a man who lurks around outside the saloon offering to measure you for a coffin, not to mentions Miss Kitty's where the price is right for a tickle in the hay.
villains: Dane, Joan
victims: Max Guthrie
heroes: Eiko, Richard
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[May. 20th, 2008|02:07 pm]

Who: Eiko and OPEN
Where: Gardens
When: Very very early Tuesday morning
What: Eiko's doing some meditating and super cool moves out in the gardens. And she still has no idea about that power thing. And she can totally be interrupted.

Nothing )
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[May. 4th, 2008|09:16 am]
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Brothers & Sisters
WHO: Eiko Logan and Charlie Cooper
WHERE: Academy medlabs
WHEN: After Logan tells him to go meet his new sister
WHAT: Siblings meet! Make assumptions and start a beautiful - however dilusional - kinship!

Oh that silly furry father! )
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[Apr. 29th, 2008|01:48 pm]
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WHO: Eiko and whomever picks up that phone!
WHAT: Eiko get off the plane and calls the only person she knows of in the states: Logan.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Phone booth in Kennedy International Airport. Receiving End: The Academy.

Logan. His name was Logan. )

[Open to whomever picks up that phone!]

ooc: Logan is not around right now. Have fun, Quin! :-)
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