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What Do You Want On Your Tombstone? [Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:24 am]
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Old West: includes... slutty barmaids, gross-tasting whiskey, toothless drunks and nasty outhouses. There is a saloon of course, and a main street that a tumble weed rolls down every two minutes. The hitching post outside the saloon has some really nasty tempered horses of course, and there's a man who lurks around outside the saloon offering to measure you for a coffin, not to mentions Miss Kitty's where the price is right for a tickle in the hay.
villains: Dane, Joan
victims: Max Guthrie
heroes: Eiko, Richard
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[Jun. 12th, 2008|08:49 am]
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WHO: Janis Jones & Max Guthrie
WHAT: Catchin' up on the good times.
WHERE: Janis's classroom
WHEN: Thurs 5/12
PG-13? I don't expect this to go beyond the occasional cursory.

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LOG: Max & Jay [May. 30th, 2008|11:15 pm]
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who: Max and Jay
what: Max shows Jay the gooooods. The caffeine goods.
where: Max's bedroom.
when: backdated to around the 20th, I think.

I don't straight up fall where I stand, but I get really tired. Like I got the narcolepsy. Or is it necromancy? )
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[May. 8th, 2008|10:20 pm]
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who Max Guthrie & Joanie Allerdyce
what Catchin' up on the good times
when May 8th
where out and about!

Arrr! )
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[Apr. 28th, 2008|12:34 am]
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who Joanie Allerdyce & Max Guthrie
when Sunday night after this.
where Outside.
what THE TALK. Max likes Joanie but Joanie is swearing off men but then OH WAIT, she isn't? and could she wait for him to turn 18? and when did Max become so creepy?
PG 13 (language)

This icon is fitting.

We can be nuts together. )
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[Apr. 22nd, 2008|10:53 am]
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Who: Chester & Max
Where: Outside! In the sunlight!
When: Tuesday
What: Lovin' life! Findin' sticks!...Gettin' in fights! Sleepin'! Runnin' away!

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