April 2009




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Mar. 31st, 2009


Who: Johanna Hastings
When: May 30, 2049, sometime in the wee hours of the morning
Where: The Slate Apartment Complex
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The past haunts Johanna.
Warnings: Slightly sexual content.

Ghosts couldn't harm her, right? )

Mar. 30th, 2009


RP Log: Aaron & Hanna

WHO: Aaron Yamazaki & Johanna Hastings.
WHEN: 29 May 2049; 5:14pm.
WHERE: Slate Apartment Complex, lobby.
SUMMARY: Aaron and Hanna bump into each other for the first time in four years. Yikes.


Mar. 26th, 2009


Who: Ivy Szczepanski and OPEN
When: May 21, 2049
Where: Pyreal and Pero Bookstore
Summary: Ivy goes looking (a bit naively) for some Fruitful Law-related texts, but mostly finds frustration.
Rating: PG?

'if I wanted to study law...' )


Kaleb and Annabelle Lee have an argument.

Who: Kaleb Tripp and Annabelle Lee West.
When: March 26, 2049.
Where: Their home.
Summary: Trouble in paradise.
Rating: PG-13?

Read more... )

Mar. 23rd, 2009


Who: Jayden Tanaka and Madeleine Bradley
When: May 12th, 2049 - 2:00pm
Where: The Lucia Lounge
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jayden has a question for Madeleine
Warnings: None yet.

Does he really know what he is getting into? )

Mar. 7th, 2009


Who: Madeleine Bradley and Jayden Tanaka
When: April 14th, 2049
Where: Loralie's Pub
Rating: PG-13 (subject to change, depending on who responds)
Summary: Another night at the bar for Madeleine.
Warnings: Er... It's Maddy? If a female replies, there will likely be arguments. If a male replies, there will be hitting on. Either is more than welcome! (This may also be edited later, along with the rating, depending on who replies.)

Mar. 3rd, 2009


RP Thread: Celeste & Aaron

WHO: Celeste Hatfield & Aaron Yamazaki.
WHEN: Wednesday, 5 April 2049; 6:27pm.
WHERE: Sunnyside Apartment Complex --> Wrightley's Restaurant.
SUMMARY: Celeste and Aaron meet up for the first time to have a 'getting to know you' dinner.


Feb. 28th, 2009


Who: Krysanthe and Aaron.
Where: Pyreal & Pero Bookstore.
When: April 1st; Afternoon.
Rating: PG? Probably.
Summary: The meeting of The Fertilizer Man. It had to happen.
Warnings: None. Probably.

it's like i wrote every note with my own fingers )

Jan. 25th, 2009


Who: Eleanore Bardou and Miles Egerton
When: Saturday, February 15th 2049
Where: The Greyson & Fledge Lawfirm, 8th floor.
Rating: PG to PG-13
Summary: Miles and Eleanore become an official married couple. Oh joy.
Status: Complete

God, she just wanted this to end )

Jan. 21st, 2009


(Late post!)

Key Issacs & Dae Gamba
Where: Wrightley's Restaurant
When: December 16th 2048, Mid Afternoon
Rating: PG to PG-13 for mild language
Summary: The first meeting.

Jan. 18th, 2009


Who: Kayla Hart and Adam Darson
Where: Adam's room at the dorms
When: December 14, the day before the first round of matches. I know, I know.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Summary: Adam and Kayla hang out in his room, watch a bad movie, and talk about serious stuff.
Status: Complete!

Morning, sunshine. You seem to be in a lovely mood today. )

Jan. 11th, 2009


Who: Kayla Hart and Kai Keahi
Where: The Fish Market
When: December 19, 2048
Rating: It's Kayla, so PG-13 for swearing
Summary: Kayla needs fish for sushi and Kai happens to come along to help.

Jan. 1st, 2009


Who: River Fan and Mateo Estevan II
When: Dec 30, around noon
Where: Bar None
Rating: R, for swearing and likely violence.
Summary: The first disastrous meeting

Never before has the thought of a man made her so ill. )

Dec. 31st, 2008


Who: Katrina Beaumonte, Kai Keahi
When: Dec 31, probably some time in the early evening.
Where: The Iwa-lani, in port at Dock 223
Rating: PG-13, as swearing is likely.
Summary: She's got some papers, and they're gonna get signed. ...Or else.

You should know that you're no good for me. )

Dec. 27th, 2008


Who: Gil Hatayama, Nana Kimigawa
When: Early Afternoon, December 27th, 2048
Where: University Coffee Shop
Rating: PG
Summary: The perks of being a regular

If I can't take my coffee break, something within me starts to die )

Dec. 17th, 2008


Who; Katrina and Abigail
When; Today, just after lunch.
Where; Downtown Innovo
Summary; Abigail needs a new dress for the Loyola preview
Rating/Warnings; PG to be safe

Dec. 15th, 2008


and when she says she wants someone to love

Who; Josephine and Auryn.
When; Today, around noon.
Where; Innovo University's medical school--food court.
Summary; Being the sensible people they are, Jo and Auryn decide that they might as well meet if they're going to be married.
Rating/Warnings; Possibly PG for subject matter, otherwise TBA.

i hope you know that she doesn't mean you. )

Dec. 10th, 2008


Who; Abigail Chevalier with a mention of Eddie Strayer
Where; Sunnyside Apartment Complex
When; Morning
Summary; Abigail wanted to thank Eddie for helping her out.
Rating/Warnings; G. Abby's boring.

Dec. 8th, 2008


Who; Krys and Auryn.
When; This evening, 12/8, around 6 PM.
Where; Crevasse Coffee House.
Summary; The roommates head to the Crevasse for their typical tea and coffee marathon.
Rating/Warnings; PG-13 for Auryn's attitude and possible subject matter.

i love you terribly, i swear that this is true--but i just can't stop my hands from smothering you. )


Who: Eddie Strayer & Abigail Chevalier
When: Monday, 8 December, early evening
Where: Meineke Care Care Center
Rating: G.
Summary: Eddie's got just about fifteen minutes before he needs to close up, and Abigail's car is troubling her. He fixes it up and gives her a ride home.

It's gone, gone, baby it's all gone. )

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