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Forgotten Gods RPG

[ i'll tell you all | my secrets ]
[ but i lie about | my past ]

[Sep. 21st, 2011|11:31 pm]


Who: Sif ([info]mountain_ashes) & Mot ([info]divinemot)
What: Confused goddess is confused.
Where: NYC
When: Wednesday

You can't resist making me feel eternally missed )
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[Feb. 14th, 2011|05:15 pm]

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Who: Open to everyone
What: Greek Feast
Where: Mansion at the beach in Hawaii
When: 14 Feb, 2011
Warnings: TBA
Note: Start sub-threads at your leisure and don't forget to tag yourselves~

Celebrate good times, come on! )
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[Oct. 17th, 2010|05:38 pm]

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Who: Sif [[info]mountain_ashes] & Tyr [[info]pyriphlegethon]
What: Tyr goes looking for Thor, bumps into someone else.
Where: Thor's home.
When: Uh sometime this week?
Warnings: TBD

I keep on falling )
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It's always have and never hold, you've begun to feel like home. [Oct. 5th, 2010|11:40 am]

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Who: Odin and the ravens, Heimdall, Sif, Thor
What: Awkwardly 'normal'? reunion.
Where: Odin's house.
When: Sunday night.
Warnings: No one parties like the vikings do.

Oh, be my baby - I'll look after you. )
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Everybody's speaking, but you don't know what they're saying [Sep. 24th, 2010|11:25 pm]

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Who: Sif ([info]mountain_ashes) & Sigyn ([info]victorious_girl)
What: Chance encounter of two people who haven't seen or spoken since forever.
Where: Manhattan, NYC
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: None

You're just guessing meanings, interpreting emotion through a window that is broken )
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Up where the mountains meet the heavens above; out where the lightning splits the sea [Sep. 24th, 2010|10:33 pm]

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Who: Sif ([info]mountain_ashes) & Thor ([info]wheresmyhammer)
What: He no longer wields a divine hammer and she no longer has hair of gold, but apart from that, not much else has changed.
Where: Thor's townhouse
When: Friday evening
Warnings: tba

Through the wind and the chill and the rain and the storm and the flood, I can feel his approach like fire in my blood )
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