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Are you still lost tonight? Living but dead inside. [Nov. 26th, 2010|01:42 pm]

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Who: The Titans
What: Thanksgiving
Where: Lux
When: 25th November; evening
Warnings: They're Titans. When they're all in the same room, expect the best, and expect the worst.

[Tag yourself as you post; feel free to start your own threads at any point in the evening; invites were sent out here; feel free to post if your character considers him/herself a Titan.]

We are the disenchanted who die with each passing day. No one here understands us so I say - I said only the strong survive. )
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After the rain, I still see heaven crying. [Oct. 15th, 2010|01:49 am]

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Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) and Rhea ([info]serves_stones)
What: Drunk Greeks talk shit all the time.
Where: Theatre district.
When: Friday night.
Warnings: GMILF Greeks.

Blinded by sanity - what's behind this crimson door? )
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Paris, the city of lovers, is glowing this evening~ [Aug. 23rd, 2010|05:00 pm]

[Current Mood |calm]

Who: Rhea ([info]serves_stones)
What: Trivial Monday afternoon, an avocado, prawns, and cherries.
Where: Cronus' home, NYC
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: None

True, that's because it's on fire, but still there's l'amour )
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Tell it like you still believe that the end of the century brings a change for you and me [May. 29th, 2010|05:17 pm]

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Who: Cronus ([info]usurped_usurper) & Rhea ([info]serves_stones)
What: Nothing unusual, nothing's changed, just a little older that's all
Where: Excavation site beta. Minnesota
When: Saturday
Warnings: None

You know when you've found it, 'cause you feel it when they take it away )
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Until my dying day [May. 26th, 2010|03:25 am]


Who: Rhea ([info]serves_stones) [Narrative]
What: Reining in, pulling down, reaching out
Where: Minnesota
When: Wednesday
Warnings: None

From beneath you, it devours )
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Come on closer, I wanna show you what I'd like to do~ [Jan. 28th, 2010|04:43 pm]

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[Current Mood |predatory]

Who: Caerus ([info]favourable), Nyx ([info]night_incarnate) & Rhea ([info]serves_stones)
What: Never run from anything immortal; it catches their attention.
Where: NYC
When: Thursday night
Warnings: tba

You sit back now. Just relax now. I'll take care of you. )
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[Jan. 2nd, 2010|07:51 pm]

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Who: Rhea ([info]serves_stones) & Zeus ([info]rules_them_all)
What: A conversation of sorts.
Where: NYC
When: Saturday
Warnings: None.

Words were not really necessary. )
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And the clock keeps on ticking through night-shattered skies [Dec. 13th, 2009|07:24 pm]

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Who: Rhea ([info]serves_stones) & Poseidon ([info]wheresmytrident)
What: Making sure the boy doesn't bleed out.
Where: Cronus' place.
When: Sunday early morning.
Warnings: None.

Where the stars are all broken, and so are all the ties )
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[Dec. 6th, 2009|02:26 am]

[Current Mood |apathetic]

Who: Rhea ([info]serves_stones)
What: Not blogging.
Where: Her apartment.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Warnings: None.

Saturday )
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They'll try to push drugs; keep us all dumbed down and hope that we will never see the truth around. [Nov. 23rd, 2009|05:43 pm]

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[Current Music |Tim Minchin - Fuck the Poor]

Who: Cronus ([info]usurped_usurper) and Rhea ([info]serves_stones)
What: Reunion.
Where: Barnes & Noble
When: Sunday afternoon.
Warnings: None.

They will not force us. They will stop degrading us. They will not control us - we will be victorious. )
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