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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Nov. 24th, 2010|06:28 pm]

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Who: Iynx and OPEN
Where: The Wildflower Meadow in Central Park
When: Wednesday, early morning
What: Iynx returns to the land of the corporeal. Anybody wanna say hi to the naked girl in the park?
Warnings: TBD

you were only waiting for this moment to arise )
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[Oct. 24th, 2010|10:29 pm]


Who: Hymenaios and Kyle [NPC]
What: Kyle and Hymenaios hang out at the bar
Where:Naxos bar
When: Sunday evening

Aces take your time, draw your final breath, Jacks are feeling fine... )
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[Jun. 21st, 2010|02:23 pm]

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Who: Dionysus and Hymenaios

What: Father's day with his kid
When: Sunday, June 20th
Where: local resturant
Warnings: None

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Become the movie of your eyelids.... [Apr. 27th, 2010|03:44 pm]

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Who: Dionysus and Hymenaios
What: Father and son bonding...
When: April 27th, night
Where: Dionysus' bar and then later apartment to talk and re-learn about the fam
Warning: None

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Fell in love with a girl... [Feb. 9th, 2010|11:53 pm]

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[Current Mood |amused]
[Current Music |Jesse McCartney - Buy You a Drink]

Who: Apate and Hymenaios
What: Quality time...
Where: The lone Greek restaurant in all of Corpus Christi
When: Tuesday night
Warnings: It's Apate and Hymenaios, watch your hearts and wallets

I fell in love once and almost completely. )
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[Jan. 29th, 2010|07:47 pm]
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[Current Music |thievery corporation, 'facing east']

Who: DJ Kala [Kala], NPC Uma, Echo, Asterion, Hymenaios, Folk Music, Hippie Subculture, Classic Rock, Coatlicue, Terpischore, and Open to All
When: Shortly after the Haiti earthquake, then Saturday, January 30, 2009. 9 pm - Dawn.
Where: Club Shanti, Greenwich Village
What: Shanti's 'Dance, Sweat, Give' Haiti Benefit Party. 1 donation per writer/mun. Donations are made according to the first tag by each of you. IM noontime dreams for any questions. There's no tagging order -- If you want it to be open to a certain person, just put the name of said character in the header. I'll be replying to people as I'm able on Saturday. Thank you all who contribute!
Warnings/Disclaimers: None/TBA Write your heart out.
Donations to be made as of 7:00 PM 02/01/10 P.S.T.: 7

Dance until the morning comes. Surrender. )
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[Jan. 27th, 2010|11:45 pm]
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Who: Apate and Hymenaios
What: Apate is bored and wants to celebrate and connedtalked Hymenaios into going out
Where: Dionysus' bar
When: Wednesday evening
Warnings: TBD

And then with all the excitement within the 'family' Apate felt she deserved a drink. And who better to get free drinks out of then the son of Dionysus? )
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A brotherly meeting [Jan. 28th, 2010|12:19 am]

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[Current Mood |determined]

Who: Eros, Hymenaios, Pothos
What: A meeting
Where: Hymenaios and Beroe's apartment
When: Thursday evening
Warnings: Three Erotes gather together - hide the women?

Hymenaios hated drama, but since he was Greek it followed him everywhere. )
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[Nov. 15th, 2009|01:07 pm]
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Who: Dionysus + OPEN~!
Where: Maenad -- Dionysus' new WINE ONLY bar 8D
When: Sunday evening
What: Dionysus opens his newest business venture to the public and of course, all of the gods, new and old, get first dibs. Assume everyone got a casual invite by word of mouth. Dress fancy =D
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, lol. Also, when Dionysus is around people feel compelled to party. TBD.


Drink to days gone by. )
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[Nov. 14th, 2009|10:24 pm]

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Who: Hymenaios et Beroe
Where: NYU Dorms to begin with.
When: Tonight
Warnings: not likely

So give your ID card to the border guard, your alias says you're Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the United Federation of Planets. )
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[Nov. 13th, 2009|03:29 pm]

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[Current Music |Wicked - Defying Gravity]

Characters: Aphrodite and Hymenaios
Date/Time: 11/13, 3pm
Location: Great Jones Cafe
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Catching up

It's time to try/ Defying gravity./ I think I'll try/ Defying gravity/ And you can't pull me down! )
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