September 2007



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Sep. 15th, 2007


[Weiß Kreuz] No Reflections

Title: No Reflections
Author: [info]trio
Rating: PG
Warnings: alternate universe
Word Count: 188
Summary: Sacrifice.
Author's Note: Vampire WK is horribly overdone, but the mood I'm in right now, the story actually cooperated with me. I've had such a hard time with this week's genre. Even though it cooperated, I'm not sure quite how I feel about it.

They all think it's something Kritiker decided for me, the blade at my side.  )

Aug. 20th, 2007


[Weiß Kreuz] Song of Solomon

Title: Song of Solomon
Author: [info]trio
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing: Farfarello/Aya
Prompt: Poetry
Disclaimer: Weiß Kreuz is owned by Takehito Koyasu, Marine Entertainment, Project Weiß, and associated parties.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Notes: sex, violence, bloodplay

There was something delicious about playing with danger. )

Aug. 12th, 2007


[Weiß Kreuz] Sexy

Title: Sexy
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Aya, Ken, Omi (about Crawford)
Written For: [info]raighne
Special Note: Jami wanted me to write from the point of view of my muses, since the actual characters pretty well dislike Crawford, and the point was to hear them talking about what they thought of Crawford. It was fun!

Sexy )

Word Count: 353


[Weiß Kreuz] Five Weeks

Title: Five Weeks
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Nagi

Five Weeks )

Word Count: 233


[Weiß Kreuz] Ruby

Title: Ruby
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Aya

Ruby )

Word Count: 214


[Weiß Kreuz] Memories

Title: Memories
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Kei/Nagi
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: A birthday drabble written for Saishi, and based on our characters from the wk_au RPG.

Memories )

Word Count: 538


[Weiß Kreuz] Was and Was Not

Title: Was and Was Not
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Aya
Written for: [info]miko_no_da
Special Note: The second in a series of four... This one inspired by Miko no da.

Was and Was Not )

Word Count: 197


[Weiß Kreuz] Mannerisms

Title: Mannerisms
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Ken/Aya
Special Note: Another Christmas drabble that was requested in AIM. Merry Christmas, Ara-chan!

Mannerisms )

Word Count: 193


[Weiß Kreuz] Living

Title: Living
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Nagi + Ran
Written for: Rick
Special Note: I suspect it's probably not what you wanted, Rick, when you requested a lesson in survival, but it's what the muses dictated. This is another Christmas Drabble, also requested via AIM. Merry Christmas!

Living )

Word Count: 271


[Weiß Kreuz] Curtains

Title: Curtains
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz (shades of grey)
Pairing or POV: Nagi/Kei
Written for: [info]toxictattoo
Special Note: Yet another of the Christmas Drabble... I may yet get them all done by Christmas. This one was requested via AIM. Merry Christmas, Jan!!! (Floral meanings are taken from here.)

Curtains )

Word Count: 437


[Weiß Kreuz] Birthday

Title: Birthday
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Ken
Written for: [info]toxictattoo
Special Note: Happy Birthday, Jan!

Birthday )

Word Count: 308


[Weiß Kreuz] Brother

Title: Brother
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz (shades of grey)
Pairing or POV: Kei (about Omi)
Written for: [info]miko_no_da
Special Note: Another of the Christmas Drabble, written to these specifications. Merry Christmas, Miko!

Brother )

Word Count: 239


[Weiß Kreuz] Etchings

Title: Etchings
Rating: NC-17 for Violence
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Nagi/Aya
Written for: [info]beloved_voices
Special Note: I feel like hell today. I've been wanting to snarl and bitch at people all day, and it's finally culminated in this bit of nastiness. Those who don't like angst and violence, stay away.

Etchings )

Word Count: 879


[Weiß Kreuz] Family

Title: Family
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Ran
Special Note: Not quite sure where this came from... but I'm not complaining.

Family )

Word Count: 160


[Weiß Kreuz] Hunting

Title: Hunting
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sexual content
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Nagi/Aya (Implications of Yohji/Aya)
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: Because when I asked, he told me what to write. A continuation of Sewing, although it can be standalone as well.

Hunting )

Word Count: 2,006


[Weiß Kreuz] Gifts

Title: Gifts
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz: shades of grey
Pairing or POV: Kaneko Kei
Written for: [info]miko_no_da and [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: [info]miko_no_da's gift tonight inspired this... It references an RP that still needs to be edited and posted.

Gifts )

Word Count: 123

(This didn't seem appropriate for Kei's journal... so it's become a drabble instead.)


[Weiß Kreuz] Scar

Title: Scar
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Kei/Nagi
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: swordmaster_aya's point of view about nagi_naoe

Scar )

Word Count: 369

Aug. 11th, 2007


[Weiß Kreuz] Sewing

Title: Sewing
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Nagi/Aya
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: Because when I asked, he told me what to write.

Sewing )

Word Count: 1,355


[Weiß Kreuz] A Promise

Title: A Promise
Authors: [info]trio and [info]petermaxwell
Characters: Fujimiya Ran and Tsukiyono Omi
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Theme Set: LW2
Theme(s): In the Heat of the Moment
Warnings and Notes: romance

Ran had set things up again, trading shifts with Ken to get the entire day off on Omi's day off, and arranging for foods that were easy to keep and munch on. )

Directory here.


[Weiß Kreuz] Bouquet

Title: Bouquet
Authors: [info]trio
Characters: Fujimiya Ran/Tsukiyono Omi
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Theme Set: LW2
Theme(s): The Look In Your Eyes
Warnings and Notes: m/m relationship, solo bit, floral language taken from here

I choose myrtle first, the white blossoms decorated with sprays of gold at the center, tiny fireworks that decorate the sparse bouquet.  )

Directory here.

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