September 2007



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Aug. 12th, 2007


[Gundam Wing] Merry Christmas, Heero

Title: Merry Christmas, Heero
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Duo/Heero
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: I asked Saishi for a picture to use as inspiration. This is the result. *eg*

Merry Christmas, Heero )

Word Count: 504


[Gundam Wing] Apology

Title: Apology
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Duo
Written for: [info]toxictattoo
Special Note: I asked for an idea, and Jan gave me this... sort of. ^.^

Apology )

Word Count: 247


[Gundam Wing] Ring

Title: Ring
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Relena
Special Note: Yet another of the Christmas drabble, written to these specifications. I'd still love to know what's considered unforgivable about the request, though. Merry Christmas, Ruth!

Ring )

Word Count: 369


[Gundam Wing] White Lace

Title: White Lace
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Duo
Written for: [info]bearilou
Special Note: Trio is an original character initially slated for another story entirely. The story never got written, and I thought that the muse had disappeared. Apparently, I was wrong. Another of the Christmas Drabble, set to these specifications. Merry Christmas, bear!

White Lace )

Word Count: 135


[Gundam Wing] Reverie

Title: Reverie
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Duo
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: Set in the Death and The Dragon Arc, directly after the last scene in Reunion.

Reverie )

Word Count: 200


[Gundam Wing] Memory

Title: Memory
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Meiran
Written for: [info]chichiri_no_da
Special Note: Thanks to [info]chea_hidden for the theme.

Memory )

Word Count: 105


[Gundam Wing] Steel

Title: Steel
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Duo (about Wufei)

Steel )

Word Count: 100