September 2007

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September 15th, 2007

[info]trio in [info]fictionaltrio

[Weiß Kreuz] Private Project

Title: Private Project
Author: [info]trio
Rating: G
Warnings: alternate universe
Word Count: 652
Summary: Omi's got some bad news for Nagi.

The shop was silent, bereft of people. )

[info]trio in [info]fictionaltrio

[Please Save My Earth] Isolation

Title: Isolation
Author: [info]trio
Rating: PG
Warnings: alternate universe, mentions of death and insanity
Word Count: 529
Summary: Nine years alone can change a person.

Earth was her sanctuary, a mystical planet she watched from above. )

[info]trio in [info]fictionaltrio

[Weiß Kreuz] No Matter

Title: No Matter
Author: [info]trio
Rating: PG
Warnings: alternate universe
Word Count: 266
Summary: Sibling love can be a crazy thing.

No matter what happened on a mission, the flower shop was always set up on time, the doors opened, and the floor gleaming. )

[info]trio in [info]fictionaltrio

[Weiß Kreuz] No Reflections

Title: No Reflections
Author: [info]trio
Rating: PG
Warnings: alternate universe
Word Count: 188
Summary: Sacrifice.
Author's Note: Vampire WK is horribly overdone, but the mood I'm in right now, the story actually cooperated with me. I've had such a hard time with this week's genre. Even though it cooperated, I'm not sure quite how I feel about it.

They all think it's something Kritiker decided for me, the blade at my side.  )

[info]trio in [info]fictionaltrio

[The Girl Who Leapt Through Time] Broken Choice

Title: Broken Choice
Author: [info]trio
Rating: R
Warnings: descriptions of accidental, violent death, alternate universe, angst
Word Count: 415
Summary: Chiaki could not save them both.

I was with her when we got the news of Kosuke and Kaho's death. )