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Nov. 2nd, 2005


Stargate: Atlantis

Fandom:  Stargate: Atlantis
Titles: Over The Edge & Under The Skin
Author: Danvers  [info]sdraevn
Genre: Slash, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG & NC17
Warnings: Mention of torture
Spoilers:  Nothing specific, but Ronon is on the team, so it's got to be Season Two 

Notes: I really like Danvers' work - she was one of the reasons I started reading SGA fic in the first place.  (I'd read her SG-1 fic, and when she started writing SGA, I was tempted to read it.)   She wrote Under The Skin first, and I liked it a lot.  Well written, as usual, and I always enjoy the way she writes her characters - very insightful.  Then, she wrote a prequel (Over The Edge), so now we know a little more about how they got to where they are in Under The Skin.  I really love Over The Edge.  There's not a bit of Smut in it (yes, I know it's hard to believe that I read something without Smut, but hey, every once in a while, I can manage.)  But it's just so funny.  It really makes me laugh, out loud.  Not too many fic can do that.

Excerpt:  From Over The Edge

This is what it must be like to be a widow. )

I rate these fic:
Pretty Damn Good

Nov. 5th, 2005



Fandom: X-Files 
Title: Joined At The Soul
Author: Diana Williams
Genre: Slash, Case File, Angst, AU, First Time, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Skinner/Mulder
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Murder and Multilation of Children - Non-Graphic
Spoilers:  Not that I'm aware of...

Notes: This AU takes place while Mulder is still in DC's Violent Crimes Unit, before the X-Files.  When his subordinates screw up the case of a suddenly high-profile Serial Killer, Skinner takes over, and meets the infamous Profiler Fox Mulder, who has been sent to help clear up the case.  As Mulder gets closer to the killer, he and Skinner begin to form a relationship built on mutual need, and respect.  The fic is built to dove-tail with canon - the author's idea is that Skinner and his wife were separated more than once before their divorce, and that this case file takes place during one of those times.

Don't be alarmed that on Diana Williams' site, she actually advertises the fic as Part One of a series.  Obviously, she changed her mind about that, because there is no Part Two that I can find.  But it doesn't matter.  This fic stands on it's own.  No sequel is needed.  It would have been nice, just because I like this world, and Mulder and Skinner's interaction in it.  But you don't need to worry about missing anything.   It is complete in and of itself.

One thing that threw me all the way through - the name of one of the Serial Killer's last victims?  Miguel Alvarez.  Which won't mean a thing, unless you happen to watch HBO's Oz.  Which you may have noticed from my recs, I do.  And not only that , but on OzMiguel Alvarez is one of my favorite everytime they mention him, it kind of throws me right out of the story, for just a second or two, you know?  It's weird.  But still, I really enjoy this fic, every time I read it...


Skinner picked up the phone. )

I rate this fic:  Pretty Damn Good

Nov. 2nd, 2005


Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis
Series: Alpha Centauri 
Author: Hth   [info]hth_the_first
Genre: Slash, Angst, First Time, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: John/Rodney, Rodney/Ronon, John/Ronon, John/Rodney/Ronon
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: Through Season 2, Episode ? (It's an ongoing series, so just assume it's what ever is current.)

Notes: Okay, it's another ongoing Series.  But it's a really good one. If I had an OT3 in SGA...well hell, maybe I do have an OT3 in SGA, because I really never expected to like Rodney/Ronon as much as I do, but I really do.  Especially in Hth's series.  I like the way she portrays all three characters.  And that's the thing.  There's lots of really hot sex in this series, but that's not all of it.  She gets into the characters, and exposes them; their fears and insecurities, their confusion and frustration over misunderstandings and cultural differences, their needs and lust and passions.  It's all there, and you feel very strongly for all the characters involved.

ETA: Hth just added these to her website, so that's what I linked to. If she gets behind on updating her site, I'll try to remember to come back and put links to her journal for the newest parts.

ETA2 - I think this excerpt earns the title of the single longest excerpt in this journal. But it just had so many good (and funny) things in it, that I couldn't decide where to edit it. So you get the whole section, and a really good glimpse into why you should be reading this series. So, enjoy.


Rodney put his hand over his face and groaned )

I rate this Series: Pretty Damn Good 



Fandom: Firefly 
Title: Unification Day
Author: Eleanor K  [info]emungere
Genre: Slash, PWP, First Time
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None

Notes: Mal needs to find a way to make it through Unification Day without starting a brawl.  Jayne proves to be just the distraction he's looking for.  I love the image of the black leather gloves Mal buys for Jayne - just a little bit of a kink, but fun.  It's hard to find good Mal/Jayne fic out there, and this is the second time I've rec'd a Eleanor K fic.  Hmm...maybe I need to start a category for Authors I Like To Rec?  It's a thought...

A hand reached past Jayne and picked up a pair of thin black leather gloves. )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good

Oct. 30th, 2005



Fandom:  Oz
Title: Scent
Author: [info]ozsaur
Genre: Slash, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Pairing: Tobias Beecher/Andy Schillinger
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Consent Issues/Non-Con
Spoilers: Season 3, Episode 5 - US Male

This is one of my favorite pairings in odd as it seems.  He was only on for a short time, but Andy made quite an impact on me.  There's very little fic with him in it, so I'm always eager to read them when I find them.  This one has just the right amount of disillusioned and bitter Beecher and hurt and angry, but eager to please young Andy.  This fic sends chills up my spine. 


But the scent was there, milk and sunshine )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good

Oct. 28th, 2005


NCIS/Stargate SG-1 Crossover

Fandom: NCIS/Stargate SG-1 Crossover
Title: Stardust
Author: Kikkimax  (userinfokikkimax)
Genre: PreSlash, Angst, Crossover, Case File, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Pairing/Characters: Daniel/Tony, Gibbs, Kate, Abby, Ducky, O'Neill
Rating: R
Warnings: Talk of Torture
Spoilers: NCIS: Takes Place at the end of Season 1.
                Stargate SG-1: Takes place after Evolution, Part 2, Season Seven

Notes: Gibbs and his team are called in for an unusual murder case, and the only witness is the man the dead men had handcuffed to a chair at the time, surrounded by implements of torture.  The only problem?  An unfortunate case of amnesia: he can't remember a thing.  The team take him into protective custody as a material witness, while they try to help "John" (Doe) jog his memory.  The problem is,  the only flashes of memory he *does* have include watching a large, deadly firefight which includes a pyramid shaped "Spaceship." 

I'd never seen NCIS when I read this fic, and had absolutely no idea who they were.  By the time the fic was over (and it's a fairly long fic), I really wanted to know more about those guys.  That's when I started watching NCIS.  Yes, you have Kikkimax to blame for my current obsession with NCIS.  It's all her fault, okay?  Both casts are well drawn, perfectly believable and enjoyable characters, even if you don't get to see near as much of  SG-1 as you do NCIS.   Well, except for Daniel.  The plot is good and solid, the descriptions fascinating, and I can see why both the Stargate Fan Awards and the NCIS FanFic Awards voted this fic top Crossover. 

Excerpt: (Remember: "John Doe" is the name their amnesiac witness is going by.)

Gibbs threw out a hand to stop Tony )

I rate this fic: Damn Good Fic


Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis
Title: Intersections
Author: Kaneko  ([info]kaneko)
Genre: First Time, AU, Slash, Angst, Humor
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC17
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Through Season 1, Rising

Notes: This is a great AU.  It gives wonderfully detailed backstory for both Sheppard and McKay, with richly written original characters like both Rodney's and John's mothers.  You know where McKay gets his social skills once you've met his mother.  And why John has no one he wants to communicate with back on Earth, when you meet his.  And I love the way John and McKay get together, here.  Everything makes sense.  Well written.  Funny.  It's long, but I've read it three or four times at least.  Worth the effort.


Rodney once got a black mark for doing Evan Johnson's math homework in Grade Five. )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good

Oct. 27th, 2005


Stargate SG-1

Fandom:  Stargate SG-1
Title: Objectives
Author: shalott  ([info]astolat)
Genre: Slash, Humor, Aliens Made Them Do It, Cliche Fic, First Time, PWP
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None

Notes: A straight-forward Cliche fic, and I love a good Aliens Made Me Do It fic, I think they're one of my favorites.  There's not much more to say about this one, except that it's hot as hell, but way too short!  I love shalott's fic.  She's a very talented writer.

Jack and Daniel are being forced to have sex, in order to save Teal'c's life.  They flip a coin to see who bottoms, and Jack loses.  Daniel takes over.


Daniel steered him over to the bed )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good



Title: 23 Leroy Street
Author: Dorilon  ([info]callmerizzo)
Genre: Slash, AU, Angst
Pairing: Beecher/Keller, Beecher/OC, Keller/OC
Rating: NC17 (most of the time)
Warnings: WIP, Rough Sex, Some Bondage
Spoilers: Dori tosses the canon out the window around Season Two, Episode 3  Great Men

Notes: In this version, Keller never got arrested.  Beecher and Schillinger continue trying to kill each other, and screwing up each other's lives, but eventually, Beecher gets paroled.  He finds it difficult dealing with life on the outside.  He finds his own unique ways to deal with the pressures of the Real World.  I love this Alternate Universe.  I think this is my favorite interpretation of Toby outside of canon.  He's real, raw, and full of pain, and looking for some way to ease it.  It just seems to work for me.

It is a WIP.  I don't like to rec WIPs, but I just love the first chapters of this so much.  I can just read them over and over, and I have, even before I knew she was still writing it, (although at a rather slow pace.)  I don't care.  I'll take what I can get.


A late Friday night in an early September )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Goood 

And extra bonus: The Dusty Seal of Approval:  For my favorite portrayal of Tobias Beecher outside of Oz



Fandom: NCIS 
Titles: Sight (60-Second Porn) &
            Watch and Learn
Author: Rebecca ([info]blueraccoon)
Genre: PWP, Slash
Pairing/Characters: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Abby
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Voyeurism
Spoilers: None

Notes:  I told myself I wouldn't rec two fic by the same author in a row, and the last NCIS fic I rec'd?  By Rebecca.  But you know, I just can't help myself.  I really like her fic.  She's good at capturing something essential in the way the characters react to each other, their situation, just the way they are who they are.  And her fic are sizzling hot.  I mean sometimes - they singe me. 

These two fit so well together.  The first is just a quick writing challenge: 60-Second Porn.  Most of the challenges just use the name, but give you more like 4 or 5's just the idea of quick, off the cuff writing.  I don't know about her particular challenge, just that the prompt was Sight.  And wow.  She covered it brilliantly.  And then, the next day, inspired by an image from Sight, she wrote Watch and Learn.  Uh, did I mention the sizzling?  'Cause, yeah,  that's what's happening in this fic.  (Is it hot in here, or is it just me?)

Excerpt: (From Sight: 60 Second Porn)

It's a rare person who doesn't have at least a little bit of voyeur in him or herself. )

I rate these fic:  Pretty Damn Good

Oct. 23rd, 2005


Stargate SG-1

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Title: The Package
Author: Chelle ([info]mmmchelle)
Genre: Slash, First Time, Humor, PWP
Pairing:  Jack/Daniel
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Kink, maybe?  (For the use of a sex toy)
Spoilers: None

Notes: Jack wants to know about Daniel' I love this fic.  So in character for Jack and Daniel.  Neither is willing to be the one to back down from a challenge.  At least this time it turns out to be worth it. One of my favorite PWP's of all times. I love this fic.


Jack was annoyed. )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good



Titles: Between Good And Better & The Trick Is Not Minding
Author: [info]twoweevils 
Genre: Slash, First Time, PWP, Case File, Angst  
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Right after Season 2, ep. 18 - Bikini Wax

Notes: Between Good And Better has got probably my favorite phone sex scene of all time.  Especially when you consider that neither one knows what the other is doing until the very end.  The sequel has an actual plot and stuff, which, as you all know, gets in the way of the smut, but is actually kind of fun, and there is, of course, smut as well. I like them both, but I love Between Good And Better. It makes me sweat.

Excerpt: (From: From Good To Better)

This is Gibbs. )

I rate this fic:  Pretty Damn Good 
Plus,The Dusty Seal of Approval for:  Superior Phone Sex!


Stargate SG-1

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Title: Shy Guy    
Author: Icarus  ([info]icarusancalion)
Genre: Slash, PWP, First Time, Humor
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None

Notes: One of my favorites of Icarus' fic.  Pure smut, and proud of it.  According to Icarus: "What can I say? I wanted porn, so I wrote some."


Daniel reached around and grabbed his ass )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good

Oct. 22nd, 2005


Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis
Series: Revelations  
Author: Bone  ([info]thisisbone)
Genre: First Time, Character Study, Slash
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Rating: PG to NC17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Through Season Two, Lost Boys (so far)

Notes: The first one (Acclimation: Eight Days) is more of a Character Study of Ronon Dex, on his first week in Atlantis (the only PG rated fic.)  But it does't take long before the series begins to explore the growing relationship between Sheppard and Dex.  (All the rest of the series is rated NC-17.)  Each fic is complete in and of itself, but hopefully there will be more once the show picks up again in January.  

BTW: John Sheppard/Ronon Dex?  My New OTP. 

Excerpt:  From Acclimation (Eight Days)

By the fifth day )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good



Fandom: NCIS 
Title: Setting The Scene
Author: Rebecca  ([info]blueraccoon)
Genre: Slash, First Time, Angst, Case File
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Dom/sub, Light Bondage
Spoilers: None

Notes:  During a  murder investigation involving BDSM, Tony reveals a bit more knowledge of "The Scene" than the rest of the crew expects.  One of the best parts of the story is the way Kate reacts to  Tony's revelations.  I like how casual Tony is about it all, because being up tight and secretive would have played right into Kate's uptight attitude. I'm always more interested in the personal stories than I am in the casefiles, but this has a bit of both - which is pretty cool. There's an interesting Original Character, which I actually would have liked to see more of. And of course it's a first time fic - my favorite. Written for the Kink and Cliche Challenge, and Rebecca's cliche prompt?  A stressful case rattles the detectives and/or clues them in.  And her kink prompt?  Handcuffs.  She managed to work both in one story.  Go her.


So, Kate said, leaning back in her chair. )

I rate this fic: Pretty Damn Good

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December 2007




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