January 28th, 2006

[info]dustandroses in [info]dustyrydersrecs

Favorite Author Category

With this post, I'm starting a new Category.  If I've rec'd an author at least three time, I think they deserve to be recognized as a favorite, well-loved author.  And there may be some I haven't rec'd three times, yet, just because I've not gotten my journal up to date, yet.  So they'll go in this category, too.   If I miss someone I have rec'd often enough, please remind me, I'll be glad to include them. 

Many of these authors will span more than one Fandom, and that's okay, I'll tag them for every fandom I would recomend them for.  They may write in others, too, but if I haven't read it, I can't rec it, can I?  I won't rec every individual fic I do like by them, either, 'cause with some of them that would take all day.  But since I've added an author category in the tags, you should be able to find the recs I've already given for them, just by clicking on their name in the tags.  That's a start, anyway. 

This is a work in progress, so if I don't like the way the post looks, I may revamp it, and try it a different way.  If you'd like different information than I'm giving you, leave me a comment, and I'll see what I can do.  Actually, I think I'll start the new recs with the next post, so this one is just a sort of an explanation.  Tell me what you think about the idea, and the way it works.  Thanks.

ETA: I forgot to mention: this new category and the changes to the comm are due to the kindness of my hero, Cat - ([info]cheights), whose generosity has supplied us with a 6 month paid journal for my birthday...wasn't that sweet of her? Now I get to add all those links I've been wanting to play with. Whee!!!


[info]dustandroses in [info]dustyrydersrecs

Favorite Author Post: Komos/Paian

Komos / Paian
Fandom:  Stargate SG-1
Live Journal:
Fic rec'd by Dusty: komos/paian

Why this author? 
Her fic are incredibly dense - everything is intense and extremely well thought out and realistic and they just make you yearn for a happy resolution - a resolution that does not always come.  And even when it does?  It's often bittersweet and melancholic, and even when I know the ending isn't going to be one of the happy ones (I should know, I've read them all more than once), I still wish for it, anyway. 

Her fic are usually high on angst and drama, with extremely well rounded characters that grab you and just don't let go.  I really love to read her Jack O'Neill.  You'll see the crazy oaf that you see portrayed in canon and fic, but what I love seeing is the deadly, black ops Colonel that you know is in there, and only seems to comes out when needed.  You see a lot more of him in Komos' work, and that makes me happy, because you know he didn't get to where he is now by being a baffoon.

Oh, yeah, and she writes some of the most intense sexual situations I've ever read. 

She hasn't written that many fic, you can read them all in a fairly short time.  I'd recommend it.  She also recs a lot from her journal; it's worth keeping up with, she has good taste in fic.

Did I mention I want to be her when I grow up?

Her usuals:
Usual Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Usual Genres: Slash, Angst, Drama, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Very Intense Sexual Experiences 
Usual Ratings: R or NC17
Occasional Warnings: Could contain talk of Non-Con, Torture (mostly refered to in past-tense)

I rate this Author:  This Is The Best Shit
She is also worthy of: The Dusty Seal of Approval

[info]dustandroses in [info]dustyrydersrecs

Favorite Author Post: Xanthe

[info]Fandom:  X-Files, SGA
Live Journals: 
[info]xanthelj - fandom and stuff
                                              [info]xanthestories - just the fic
Fic rec'd by Dusty: Xanthe

Why this author? 
Between the X-Files fic that I've been reading for months and months now, and the new SGA fic she's been writing, I know I'll cover the three fic limit, as soon as I start fic'ing her stories.  So I thought I'd get a head start on it, now.  The first thing I read by Xanthe was very, very heavy on Torture/NonCon/BDSM and as she put it, "Physical, emotional and psychological abuse."  So I had a good idea of what she could do from the very beginning.  I've never made it through all her X-Files fic - she wrote many pairings including Het and Gen, so you know me, I never got around to a good many of those.  I have no doubt that they live up to her standard, but they're just not my thing...

And since she's been on LJ, she's been getting into SGA.  She's already written a couple of long fic, including one novel-length fic that's full of all the Angst, NonCon and Torture you could expect from a Xanthe fic.  She's fond Carson, so I expect we'll see more of him, as well as Sheppard/McKay.    I understand she's working on a long piece right now - I think she called it BDSM-Lite.   She can actually get a little on the heavy side for me, sometimes, so this should be interesting for me.

Check out her website if you like Dr. Who and West Wing, she's written in both those as well.  And she's started two new comms on Live Journal:  [info]slashspank - a multi-fandom journal for Discipline and Erotic Spanking, and [info]atlantiskink - a predominantly slash, but open community for Atlantis fic, discussion and art of the Kink persuasion.  Well, she manages to keep busy, doesn't she?

Her Usuals:
Usual Fandoms: 
X-Files, SGA
Usual Pairings:  lots of Skinner/Mulder and some Krycek, McShep, Carson,
Usual Genres:  Slash, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Novel Length, some Het
Usual Ratings: R or NC17
Usual Warnings:  BDSM, Torture, NonCon, Extreme Violence, Bondage, Kink, Dom/sub, Spanking for Disciple, Erotic Spanking

I rate this Author: Pretty Damn Good

[info]dustandroses in [info]dustyrydersrecs


Fandom: X-Files 
Title: The Adversary
Author: Xanthe ([info]xanthelj)
Genre: Slash, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, AU, Novel Length 
Pairing: Mulder/OMC, Mulder/Others, Mulder/Skinner
Rating: NC17
Warnings: NonCon, Rape, Torture - Physical and Psychological, BDSM, Bondage, Extreme Violence
Spoilers: Don't remember any.

Notes:  This is an extremely intense story. It was the first fic I'd read by Xanthe, and one of the earliest X-Files stories I'd ever read.  It pretty much defined Mulder Bashing for me. But as hard as it was to read, I couldn't stop.  I'd pretty much figured out the whole deal about Mulder's lover from grad school, so that wasn't a big deal to reveal, but hey.  What's just one more step on the way to Mulder's eventual capitulation.  And from the way he was treated, I couldn't see it going down any other way. 

Even so, I kept telling myself how smart Mulder was, and how he could manage to keep his sanity throughout this whole breaking down process; and the fact that he managed to continue to work his way into his Adversary's mind at the same time gave me hope...albeit a very small amount.  By the time it's over, you'll be blinking your eyes and shaking your head, too.  I know I was.  It's the case of the car accident that you just can't look away from as you drive past.  So you back up and park, get out of the car and go poking around.  You just can't help yourself.

About the AU.  Something in Mulder's past is changed, but it does not effect the present day of the fic.  Mulder still works for Skinner and his partner is still Scully.  The Cigarette Smoking Man is there turning the screws as usual, and the Rat Bastard is hanging out, being totally unpredictable - also as usual.   If you don't mind a bit of torture, you've got a solid stomach, and you like a lot of Mulder Torture - this is the fic for you.  And no, I don't know what it says about me, that I've read this one more than once...well, more than twice, okay?


He had to accept, for now at least, that he was at someone else’s mercy )

I rate this fic:  Pretty Damn Good

December 2007



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