
June 2018



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Posts Tagged: '%21%21+hooter:+%40puritybling'



@puritybling: tonight we should ask ourselves an important question: why is anyone still living in tinworth? can't we just throw it to the wolves?
@puritybling: too soon?



@puritybling: happy birthday to, well. not nico barbary's little boy!
@puritybling: this little bird heard there was a dark mark over muggle london
@puritybling: this is probably what happens when a death eater's invite gets lost in the post #awkward
@puritybling: jokes! this is probably what happens when you make a mudblood head hitwizard
@puritybling: and i was just about to say things had gotten quiet...



@puritybling: tell me. are we pretending to be surprised or pretending to care? #ripenid



@puritybling: that's one person dead... how many more nuts are you willing to crack, @rwoh?



@puritybling: looks like someone had a bone to pick with @stmungos :)
@puritybling: or were they just trying to drum up business?
@puritybling: speaking of…were there anti-apparation wards up or were people just too stupid to leave? #awkward



@puritybling: looks like someone doesn't want to see the nutcrucker, @rwoh
@puritybling: i hate to say 'we told you so' so instead let's go with: you were warned #namedandshamed



@puritybling: too bad about the meadowes school for inexperienced mudbloods!
@puritybling: but it's for the best if @officialdmeadowes & her mudblood loving father can't even protect their little school or their students #fivedown
@puritybling: do we still #lovethed?



@puritybling: smile! there's one less muggle loving scum in the ministry today :)

@PURITYBLING: looks like simon and marigold bones got what was coming to them
@PURITYBLING: i've got multiple sources on scene saying vampire was involved, dm spotted floating above house
@PURITYBLING: bodies being taken out of the house now no word from mom yet big shocker
@PURITYBLING: let this be a warning to all blood traitors and muggle lovers #badblood