
May 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Syreni and Evan
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: Evan’s office
What: Mandatory meeting
Why: Events from the past two days
Status: Complete

I’m sorry )



[No Subject]

WHERE: Their Alejandro's room
WHEN: Friday Night; after the crazy.
WHAT: There's a lot going on; there needs to be some rest.
STATUS: Closed; In Progress

She'd expected the look on Sandy's face as she was told she was going to solitary would've been the worst thing that'd happen that weekend.Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Sandy Jameson & Rachel Cohen
What: Sandy gets let out of solitary
When: Saturday evening
Where: Solitary
Rating: TBD

She felt herself drowning under the weight of the silence in her mind. )



[No Subject]

Who: Susan Wright & Indigo De Rosier
What: Susan tries to clear her head
When: The Pool
Where: Saturday PM
Rating: Low

Time had always been a painful thing for Susan, she lived fast, but the rest of the world was slow motion )



[No Subject]

Who: Xavier Chambers & Chloe Deacon
What: Xavier is familiarising himself with Limbo
When: Saturday AM
Where: Cafeteria
Rating: TBD

You could say that Xavier was familiar with being held against his will as he had spent the better part of his young adulthood in a similar predicament )



[No Subject]

Who: Gage Mercer & Alika Dixon
What: Reunion of old friends
When: Sometime after this
Where: Cafeteria
Rating: TBD

Gage hadn't really bonded with a lot of people since his arrival at Limbo )



[No Subject]

Who: Mike & Jason Winter
What: Another brotherly catch up - they do have a lot to talk about, after all
When: April 29th, early afternoon
Where: The Leisure rooms
Rating: PG

That movie was utter garbage. )



[No Subject]

Who: Holly Page & Raven Pereria
What: A Talk
When: After this
Where: Holly's office
Rating: PG

What would be so bad about that? )