
May 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Alejandro + Cal
What: Irresistable force paradox
When: After this
Where: Gym

Maybe his powers had more of an effect of his personality than he was ever going to be willing to admit to. )



[No Subject]

Dove Wilson
Rowana Shire
WHERE: Around the Base
WHEN: Friday morning
WHAT: There was a soft humming that's stopped; Dove's trying to find out why
STATUS: Open; In Progress
VIEW WARNINGS: deets: Dove's looking for a source of a potential quiet hum she'd been able to hear; this was Sandy's psychic link, she won't find a source.

The humming had stopped. Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Scott, Kelly & Chloe Deacon
What: Family meeting
When: 8pm (after the message was sent)
Where: Scott's office
Rating: Low

Oh really? You’re tossin’ me under that bus? )



[No Subject]

WHO Scotty Weston and OPEN
WHERE co-ed showers
WHAT panic attack
STATUS incomplete
as my memory resets... )



[No Subject]

WHO: Bea and Charlie
WHERE: The Cafe
WHAT: Meeting her new handler.
STATUS: incomplete

you land badly, but you crash standing )