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Jan. 20th, 2017


Vicki brings in a fourth??????

Well, I promised myself I wouldn't do this, but I couldn't resist, so here we go!

This lady here is Tatiana Helos (30yo, knight enchanter), a Laetan magical research who works for Drusilla Branas, coming soon to a Cumberland near you! On the outside, she is sweet and harmless, but be careful: she's ruthless and ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals, and she WILL stomp all over you or manipulate you or whatever you as necessary if she sees you as a means to those goals. Basically, she'll be nice to you, but she doesn't like you, and she DOES think she's better than you (especially if you're not a mage and especially if you're not a human), and if she sees political advantage in using you, she will, and you won't even know it until it's too late.

Possible Lines: Nobles! Grey Wardens! Tagaris bros! Mages! Etc! :D


yes i'm using this icon because it'll never get use otherwise

Julie here with her replacement second, at last! This is Magister Drusilla Branas, cold-hearted blood mage of the Tevinter Imperium, 30yo sister to Godric Branas Tagaris, and a real piece of work.

She's bright and charming and chatty on the surface, but deeply manipulative and opportunistic beneath; luckily(?), her worst sides will be reserved for the Tagarises and those connected to them. But to most others, she'll seem like a cunning politician but at least not, yanno, the actual spawn of the devil. She's also a bit of an academic nerd, and can lose herself in magical theory/practice for hours. She's arriving with her Laetan bff Tatiana to join the Tevene delegation, carting along an ancient magical artefact that they've been researching for the past couple years and which might come in handy for Reasons...

Bio here, if you'd like to read more about this snake in human skin.

MEANWHILE, interactions:
  • People connected to the Tagaris bros, obv~~

  • Other mages! She's here and poring through your libraries, and wants to learn allll about your specialisations. πŸ˜‡

  • Nobles & socialites! Drusilla is a member of the imperial senate, so she's comfortable in ultra-fancy environments, and would love to schmooze with those of power/status.

  • Grey Wardens! She and Ana will be interacting with y'all in February. Stay tuned.

  • Hi Reha! She got your name from the ambassador 8)

Dec. 30th, 2016


Introducing Temp PC: Euria Ghrian

Hi guys! It's Vicki with the temp PC some of you have heard me excitedly babble about for the past couple of months: Euria Ghrian, aka- one of Sorin's mothers. Here are some details!

deets under the cut~ )

Possible CR: Any elves who live/work/frequent the alienage, at the very least, will know OF her and will most likely have seen her. We can discuss! I'm also open to anyone else having possibly met her, since when she's not working, she is most definitely NOT cooped up in the alienage. ;)

Nov. 4th, 2016


angie always maxes out her char slots

DARLINGS. in dropping kuvira down to temp PC status, this now allows me to bring in: una blackwood, aka raziya's first mate! she's been in town as long as ziya's been, but only first mate since spring, when the last one left (woe). denerim-born and raised by her blacksmith father (#daddysgirl), human, berserker, known for her resting bitch face and deadpan sass, and for carrying a huge axe around if you've seen her in town.

LINEZ IDEAS: okay but, she needs to meet alia. :| LADY BERSERKERS. i don't remember if we have any fereldans (which is why i apped one...), but if anyone's been down there! people she could've met around the docks, anyone who wasn't in cumberland (she's been to cumberland pre-ziya, probs 6 years ago?) over the last ~7 years because she traveled a loooot, and was in kirkwall for a long time! SPARRING PARTNERS. sleeping partners, but male only, sorryyyyy.

insert other ideas, because wow, tired. COME AT MY LADY

Oct. 21st, 2016


I get knocked down I get up again

So... funny thing about killing a character is it frees you up for another one. >>

Takwana Nandoro was conscripted at the start of the Blight, 14 years ago, because SOMEONE's son turned into an abomination during his Harrowing in Tevinter. That magister thought of it as a more useful execution. Joke's on him because Takwana, who's from Rivain, is still around. And he has a big ass cute ass griffon. Since there's been soooooooo much mage drama in the last couple months, he's been brought to Cumberland, fresh from the front.

Highlights (MORE HERE)
β†’ 34 year old templar Grey Warden who specializes in taking down enemy mages.
β†’ Religious af. Goes to teh Chantry regularly. Likely to be spotted there.
β†’ Conscript warden dad. He will be there for you. You're more likely to - eventually - hear about his own time.
β†’ Introverted quiet type from a community oriented family/culture.
β†’ Book nerd. Some focus on religion, but honestly books are love.
β†’ Actually doesn't like fighting. Doesn't enjoy it. Nope.

Possible Lines
β†’ Grey Wardens. The obvious. He's been around a long time. Spent time in Tevinter, the Free Marches, even some in Antiva and Rivain.
β†’ Andrastians. He's likely to come in contact with anyone who goes to services on the regular. He also devotes some of his free time to charitable stuff.
β†’ Nerds. He will be visiting the University & Circle's library bc without all that regular fighting, more time for BOOKS, his love.
β†’ People wary of him? I'm sure many Tevenes remember the drama around a magister's son dying. Some mages might be uncomfortable with templars generally?
β†’ Friends. Who like to debate/discuss things! Srsly, he's a quiet one, and debating something most brings him out of his shell.
β†’ BYOP. :P

What what. Plot with me.

Oct. 5th, 2016


blood, blood everywhere



I bring you the second Blood Mage of the game, Astraea, no last name, she's like Cher, or Madonna. Astra here was raised by her mother Eos in the privacy of the woods of the Free Marches, where she learned all about being her own person and not shying away from liquefying her foes. A 100% true Apostate, homegirl has never seen the inside of a Circle and overall thinks that almost all mages are fools and that magic is just a tool to be used. Demons? Perish the thought, she's her own person, she's hella powerful and Blood Magic is the one true magic, because fuck the Fade, amirite?

Pictured: her winning personality

This is gonna be great, you guys.

Astraea has been in Nevarra for a little over a year now. She has connections with the Carta, who uses her for assassinations that they don't want to look a lot like such. Or when they want to leave only a puddle of blood, she's versatile like that. Her "day job" is that of a fortune teller, which is profitable enough but where's the fun on that? She has a lifetime of experience on giving the templars the slip, but she'll be joining the Grey Wardens eventually. Soon. I don't know, she's kind of loud and too comfortable with herself for her own good.

ANYWAY I NEED ALL THE LINES??? CLIENTS, ASSOCIATES, FRIENDS, ENEMIES, FWB, THE WORKS. She values strength and confidence, so even if she doesn't like someone she can respect them, just like she does her mom.


Sep. 3rd, 2016


MY TURN NOW. this be angie with not one, but two temp dalish PCs, both alerion. i know, tell me to stahp. under cut because i like gifs lalala. )

Sep. 2nd, 2016



Hi all, here's Vicki with another temp PC: Devehari Alerion, the mother of one of the young hunters taken. In good times, she's a serious person who has no time for your bullshit, and in bad times (and for her, this is the absolute worst time), well, DO NOT MESS WITH HER.

β†’ Her son, Pariel, is THE most important thing in the world to her, especially after her husband was killed and mutilated by shems from a village the clan was near -- his corpse was supposed to serve as a warning.
β†’ No surprise, she hates humans with a fiery passion. Absolutely no exceptions. Ya'll suck.
β†’ Literally the only thing keeping her from going into Cumberland to find her son herself is the Keeper. She is more than willing to tear the city apart if she needs to.
β†’ Her second greatest love is the clan, and when she's not being a mother to her son she is devoting her talents and skills to serve the clan's needs.
β†’ She actually doesn't hate or disdain city elves. She does feel for them, her one softness for outsiders, but she also thinks that they need to save themselves and will never raise a finger to help them herself. The Dalish aren't your saviors, flat-ears. :|
β†’ She's an artificer, meaning that as a hunter, she specializes in using traps to catch her prey. Sometimes prey means humans. Today it means Tevinter slavers specifically. But don't you dare doubt her ability to use her bow; Dalish archers are to be feared for a reason.
β†’ As for Pariel, he's almost the exact opposite in personality from his mother, and if they didn't look nearly identical the rest of the clan might wonder if they're related at all (those who remember his father will realize that he took after him when it came to personality). But she taught him well, and he's a gifted archer and hunter for being as young as he is.


Say hello to Clan Alerion's Keeper!

Since no one else wanted to play a super crusty and carmudgeony old elf, I (Maaya) am stepping up with this offering! Meet Talasan Alerion, 75 year old Keeper of Clan Alerion. He's #toooldforthisshit basically.

The short version:
  • He's a shapeshifter! Spends a fair amount of time as a bear or a wolf. Is very skilled at fighting in that form despite his age.
  • Became Keeper very early, in his 30s, after a demon possession took the clan's Second and the ensuing battle to subdue the boy ended in the Keeper's death.
  • Is thus very serious about the rules governing mages in clans. Magic is useful but dangerous, damn it.
  • His wife was killed by slavers and his only son taken when he was 40. Don't mention it. He isn't going to talk to you about it.
  • Has clashed with various humans over the years. Has lost chunks of his clan to shem violence in the early days before adopting a more isolationist policy. The clan takes care of those who take care of themselves. If someone strays, the clan doesn't return for them. Everyone knows this is the rule. He won't generally risk the many for one or two.
  • Has Just About Had It with Tevinter slavers, however. 5 hunters at once is too much to lose. He's going to get them back, damn it. And he's not above violence to get it done.

Aug. 31st, 2016


I couldn't resist

Silyara here with character numero 5 and finally ( ! ) an elf.

Souvelani Alerion is among if not the clumsiest rogue to successfully rogue, and hands down she is better than all of you at falling down. She's coming into town on the Dalish plot (YOU CAN PICK UP TEMP PCS FOR PLOT WITH HER AKSJDFBSHLFF) as one of the first Dalish around. Because she has more experience in cities than the average Alerion.*

Highlights (MORE HERE)
β†’ She's a ranger in her early forties more people pick up 40+ yo characters
β†’ Souvelani is the head halla keeper. They, like oh so many animals, love her
β†’ She is NoΓ«lle's mom, yes that NoΓ«lle, yes banged that Orlesian bard.
β†’ Her relationship with her clan is pretty strained (re: above)
β†’ She's as such been a bit of a loner/outlier/without a spouse/partner/deep friends/etc most her life
β†’ Sweet cinnamon roll optimist despite thinking pretty much most people are selfish fucks stale cinnamon roll

Possible Lines!
β†’ Dalish plot. First and foremost, her intro to the game is this Dalish plot, so everyone to do with this.
β†’ Other elves! And hey Alerion-adjacent people (cough NoΓ«lle and Shae cough).
β†’ Forming a new family. Ppl besides NoΓ«lle to stick around with/for since her daughter is a slow burn kinda line.
β†’ Noble to work for. Souvelani is the BEST with animals. Whether it's horses or something else, she'll need a job by the end of the month.
β†’ Clumsy encounters. Like I said, she clumsy. She could clumsy right into you.
β†’ Bring your own plot! :PPP

Lets do this. OMG so long waiting/coming.

*not counting children thrown out/abandoned by the clan

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