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Jun. 1st, 2017


An Epilogue Playlist

This consists of a smol poem (3 couplets), a long playlist (22 songs / 1.5 hours), and a mish mash poem of lyrics that generally covers the game into Pilar's epilogue over decades

Pilar's Final Promise )


So here's the ever after, as promised all along...

A year ago today, armed with a half-written plot skeleton and a lot of optimism, [info]cirque & [info]stillskies made a passable attempt at looking like they knew what the hell they were doing, raised the banner, rallied the troops, recruiting friends and strangers to their cause, and embarked on an adventure filled with intrigue, politics, magic, monsters of various sorts, conflicting ideologies, messy family relations, epic romance, and a really, really big dragon…

Read on for a final mod announcement… )

May. 15th, 2017


Welcome to the Epilogue!

You've made it to the day of the final official plot event of Lost Codices! Congratulations!

A few housekeeping notes:
What happens to Cumberland after this?
  • The Orlesian navy and army catch Cumberland in a pincer from land and sea!
  • The Orlesians are not excessively destructive, but will put down any resistance swiftly
  • Orlesian agents in the city destroy further anchor points for the Tevene comms network to fully break it down, thus avoiding its use in mounting a defense
  • Young Duke Matthias Van Markham is sent away for "fostering" with a family in the Empire - he lives, but he never sees Cumberland again
  • Everyone's favorite Orlesian ambassador Manon de Freyen returns with the navy to install herself in a governoship position in the city at the Orlesian Emperor's behest
  • Orlais immediately pours money, time, and other resources into rebuilding Cumberland and the surrounding countryside; the populace at large sees quick and noticeable improvements
  • No one knows where the queen has gone - this is a matter of some frustration for the Orlesians, but her absence means the takeover is significantly less bloody than it might otherwise have been

From here, history tells us that Orlais rules the majority of Nevarra for the next 40 years, with Tevinter taking only Hunter Fell for their own. Things are peaceful, more or less. For the common folks, not a lot changes, though certain Orlesian standars begin to permeate education, business, and other key parts of society. How does Nevarra win its independence? You'll have to wait until the end of the month to see.

As for the epilogue, here are the basics:
  1. Post any logs you've written that take place after the game - whether it's one week, one year, or one decade later - anytime starting now
  2. Of course you are still welcome to post backdated logs as well!
  3. The game will be open for epilogue posting though 5/31/17
  4. On 5/31/17, there will be a mod-driven final "event" log to show the fate of Nevarra and tie up any final loose ends, and the game will fully close
  5. Enjoy!

Apr. 25th, 2017


Summerday Plotting Post

Although the bulk of the army will not return for some time, the Wardens will arrive back in Cumberland on 30 Cloudreach, just in time for the feast day of Summerday. On 1 Bloomingtide, the rebuilding city will hold a festival to celebrate the returning heroes and lift the spirits of the populace, with food for all and steeply discounted wares from local merchants as arranged by the crown and the Merchants' Guild. The traditional morning chantry service to confer blessings on the young people reaching adulthood this year will be followed by a brief speech by the queen on the chantry steps. Celebrations will continue in the streets throughout the day and into the evening as the people of Cumberland look to a brighter future free of the Blight.

There will be a group starter provided for this plot. Please use this post to discuss any logs you might want to do!

Apr. 24th, 2017


plot calendar: may

And now we’re almost done, our tale completely spun... )

Apr. 23rd, 2017




Please provide any of the following combinations:

Please remember that one of your AC entries must be between 1ST & 14TH, and the second should be between the 15TH AND END OF THE MONTH. You must have at least one log/thread with another character/player. A narrative DOES NOT COUNT as a log/thread.

You have until May 1st to check in, but all entries used for AC must have been posted in April.

Fill out the lovely box thingy for the very last time, toss it in a comment (which are not screened), and voilà! You're done!

Apr. 16th, 2017


The Final Battle Plotting Post

We’re one week away from the end of the Blight! It’s been a wild ride, but everything’s coming to a conclusion soon. As there are two events happening more or less simultaneously, one in Cumberland, the other in Hunter Fell, we’re combining them into one plotting post. See below!


The darkspawn outbreak will begin in the palace but quickly spread throughout the city. Characters in Cumberland will need to find some way to survive and fight off the incursion overnight and into the next day. About 24 hours after the fighting begins, the darkspawn will suddenly take turn and flee.


The Wardens and the combined armies of the continent will arrive outside of Hunter Fell on 4/21. 4/22 will be spent preparing for battle, with various army leaders meeting to discuss strategy and all others taking care of any final business before going into the city the next morning. The battle in the city will last until after sunset, at which time the Wardens will succeed in killing Toth and the remainder of the darkspawn will be eradicated.

Group starters will be provided for both events.

Please use this post to discuss any logs you might want to do!

Mar. 29th, 2017


A Rude Awakening Plotting Post

This is the plotting post for the Warden event on April 2nd. Very early that morning, all sleeping Wardens will be awakened by a vivid nightmare involving the archdemon surfacing and laying waste to what is left of the city of Hunter Fell. Once awake, the Wardens will quickly realize that the alarm has been sounded and the outpost is under attack via darkspawn coming up out of the Deep Roads.

Asmund and Shae will face the first wave of attackers, but all who are at the outpost are welcome to log or narrative for this event! There are quite a lot of darkspawn, enough that everyone in the outpost will have to mobilize and fight. A group starter will be provided.

Please use this post to discuss any logs you might want to do!

Mar. 28th, 2017


So, now that the pcal has been posted, effectively kicking us into endgame, we thought it would be fun to do something a little lighthearted: B I N G O.

See the card + code below the cut! )


plot calendar: april

To the soldier, the civilian, the martyr, the victim... )

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